Chapter Nine Part One & Two

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"Tell me how you love me. Tell me how you take pride in seeing me bend to your will. Tell me that I'm enough without saying anything at all. Tell me something."-Anonymous

Warning Mature Content Beware!

Sarah Hill

The summer night is warm and alluring. The sun has yet to set. I have put up Oliver's hoodie to go in the laundry. I can't wear it forever. I change from my sleeping clothes to a black ribbed tank top with a zip-up hoodie and Levi jeans. I took a shower before this. It's the next day from my attack and I feel somewhat better. I didn't hear anyone when I got up. I only heard snores. I don't want to stress myself out so it's better I not worry.

Papa, Sandy, Max, have crossed my path and did not say anything. They must feel bad for me. I'm still ashamed of how it happened so quickly. If it wasn't for Oliver, I'm pretty sure I would make Papa call the ambulance for no reason.

Thankfully, nothing happened except for me making a list of things I'll need for college. It's mostly school supplies and room stuff. Oliver's going away and he'll also have a scholarship to Gilson which is better than my college. I'm happy for him.

I leave my hair the way it is and wear a pair of slip-on. My phone rings. Oliver's letting me know he's here. I drop my phone in my bag and wallet. I walk down the stairs and open the front door. I got my phone back at dinner today and saw a text. Oliver's taking me to see a movie. It closes behind me with a click.

Oliver's truck is in front of the house. He looks up and gives me one of his sexy smiles. My face flushes in color. I hear the door unlock as I get in. "Hey, baby," He pecks my lips. I push my lips against his soft ones to prolong it.

"Hey," I greet. Oliver pulls the seatbelt over me. I shut the truck door. He starts the engine and makes the first right.

"Are you doing okay? Did you hear about the storm?" We both ask at the same time. A smile graces my lips.

"You first," I say. Oliver nods. His hand steers the wheel perfectly. You can see every vein tense and run through him. Oliver's hair is styled back with some strands on the side.

"Last night, I got a collect call from my stepfather," Oliver swallows thickly.

What? What reason would he have to call him? If he wanted to speak to Audrey or his Mother, he would dial them. Why Oliver? Maybe, he wanted to give him a fake apology or ask about me.

They always say bad people can still find a way to haunt you even when they're gone. I can feel myself losing air and my fingers going numb. My breathing comes out in labored breaths. Oliver takes his hand to my thigh.

"Hey, hey. Remember I told you, he'll never hurt you. That sick bastard is behind bars. You're right here," Oliver promises. He rubs his thumb along my hand. Oliver's touch pulls me back to reality.

People are skateboarding outside. A fire hydrant is splashing water on little kids. The warm breeze is hitting my cheek. The sun is following us as we cruise down the main roads. It shines on Oliver's face. His hand caresses my thigh while the other is on the steering wheel.

"I didn't mean to get you scared like that. I'm sure that collect call meant nothing. Tell me what's been happening with you," He changed the subject. I know he didn't mean to get me worked up.

"It doesn't bother me. Things like that," I told him.

"I know but bringing it up seems wrong." We always try to communicate what's happening in each other's lives than letting it build up. So far, it works. I run a hand through my hair before looping my hand with his.

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