Chapter 1

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Six years later at USJ, Japan

Jirou Kyoka and Momo Yaoyorozu were surrounded by villains. They couldn't see a way out.

"Is this how we die?" asked Jirou.

"I-I guess," said Momo, scared for her life.

"I regret calling Kaminari what all I said to him," said Jirou out of nowhere.

"Ok- wait what? We're surrounded by villains and that's what you think?" asked Momo.

"Well, if I am gonna die, it would have been better if I died being on good terms with a cute but stupid boy," said Jirou.

"Then live on," came a voice as a  blonde blur rushed past them.

"Huh?" they both said, confused, as the next second, almost all the villains were knocked out, with sparks coming out of a few of them.

"Huh?" said a giant-sized person.

"I guess you're an electric quirk user too," came a voice. Momo and Jirou focused and saw Kaminari standing in front of him.

"Kaminari get out of here!" said Jirou.

"Nah, I gotta take him down. I am guessing he is the reason comms are not working. Am I right?" he asked.

"Heh, yeah, I am using my quirks electromagnetic potential to jam the comms," said the villain.

"Jirou san, Yaoyorozu san, I would suggest you both clear this area," said Kaminari.

The said girls were in awe. They both thought Kaminari was not very good in combat or rather in anything, judging by his carefree personality and his general cluelessness. However, the Kaminari they were seeing here was not the normal one. This was a person both skilled and smart. The kind which could take down a bunch of villains with ease, just like he did right now.

"I asked you both to leave," said Kaminari in a stern tone.

"H-huh? We can't, Momo is injured and fatigued," said Jirou.

"Oh, so I guess I'll have to fight like this only. Well, if that's the case, should I lose, burst this guy's eardrums, don't care about me," said Kaminari.

"Well, I did not wish to kill a fellow electricity user, but you're too cocky," said the guy with a skull-like face.

Kaminari just ran towards him with his right arm pulled back ready to punch him. The person put his hand up to block him but at the last moment, Kaminari pulled back as he spun on his left heel, got behind him, and landed a solid punch.

Then, he jumped and ax-kicked him in the back as he was stumbling forward, hitting him on his head and then using his head as a lever to get in front of him while hitting him with his foot of the other leg in the face.

The guy got disoriented and Kaminari used this opportunity to roundhouse kick him in the face, breaking his jaw.

"Is this much enough or do you want more?" asked Kaminari as he took a fighting stance.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" yelled the guy as he ran forward while supporting his jaw with the other hand.

"Well, I guess some people never learn," he said as he picked up the pace. As the person was about to punch Kaminari, he ducked and slid from in between his leg, got up, and punched him in the back. As the person yelped in pain he chopped him on his neck, knocking him out.

Jirou and Momo looked at Kaminari in shock, as he had defeated thugs they weren't able to do anything about, and that too in a matter of minutes.'


Bakugo Katsuki and Eijiro Kirishima were stuck in the ruins zone, surrounded by villains.

''Oi shitty hair, you okay?" asked Bakugo.

"Heh? Bakugo, I didn't think you'd care, but I am fine," said Kirishima with a smile.

"Why wouldn't I care about you shitty extras? You are my classmates," said Bakugo as he blasted an invisible person.

Kirishima was just quietly shedding manly tears. 


Ochako, Tsuyu, and Mineta had just come out of the flood zone and were surrounded by villains.

"Oh no..." said Ochako. 

She and Tsu started to fight them as Mineta trapped them in his balls.

"I won't die until I get to touch boobies!" yelled Mineta.

All of a sudden, a big villain with a strength quirk came in front of her.

"Looks like the girl has some guts. I like them feisty," he said as Ochako tried to touch him and float him only for him to dodge and grab her hands.

"Aa, you're one nice piece of meat," he said as he tried to grope her only to be kicked in the face by Tsuyu.

"Oi you piece of shit, I am a perv and even I don't go as far as to force a girl like this," yelled Mineta.

"Well, that's your loss then," he said as he grabbed Tsu's tongue and pulled her towards him.

"A frog? Well, I guess you could give me some pleasure," he said as he tried to kiss her. Keyword: tried.

Before he could, Mineta jumped in between with his hairball which stuck on his lips.

''Bhot duh puck?" (What the fuck) the villain said as his lips were stuck to the hair.

He punched Mineta and threw him away as he pulled the ball, while tearing off the top layer of his skin, and his face was now all bloody.

"Damn that grape, I'm going to kill him after I have had some fun," he said as he grabbed Ochako and lifted her by her neck.

She touched him and his gravity did get canceled, but he tightened his grip choking her.

"Bitch, cancel this, or I'll kill you before fucking you," said the person as Ochako started losing her breath.

"O-okay," she choked out.

"Good girl," he said as she canceled her quirk.

"Well, now for the fun part," he said as he reached for her costume.

He was about to tear off her costume when a loud bang was heard followed by a green blur hitting the villains face sending him flying as the thing that hit him fell on the ground, or more like drifted to the ground.

An ace of heart.

"I hope I wasn't too late," said a person wearing a green costume.

"I hope I wasn't too late," said a person wearing a green costume

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So here are the first few updates for the book. Now please tell me whether I should continue this or write the other one first.

Also, vote, comment, and share.

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