Chapter 24

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For a moment, there was complete silence as no one made a move. Then Monoma used Overhaul which he got by touching him to attack Rappa with spikes and Lemillion dashed towards him.

Overhaul used his quirk to send spikes however Lemillion just phased through them and Overhaul himself. By the time he turned, it was too late as Mirio punched him in the face straight, sending him flying backward, since a little bit of One for All was also infused in the punch.

As he was mid-air, Gambit shot him with a bit of Kinetic energy sending him back towards Lemillion. Lemillion spin-kicked him as Deku grabbed him by his head and slammed him into concrete, all while carrying Eri.

 Overhaul however recovered and once again tried to send spikes towards them but Izuku threw playing cards at him, which exploded in his face, and he only escaped by losing his hand.

"Tch. You heroes are too meddlesome for your own good," said Overhaul as he used his quirk to send spikes towards the road. 

Seeing this, Monoma, who along with Shinso was dealing with Rappa, instead of trying to dodge the punch Rappa threw at him, used his quirk to negate Overhaul's.

Rappa was just an inch away from Monoma's face, about to land a punch that could very well end him, when Shinso diverted it using his capture gear. however, in the process, Monoma got hit in his right hand, which broke, and Shinso got slammed into the concrete.

But instead of focusing on his own injury, Monoma took the opportunity to cuff Rappa's right hand with Quirk erasing cuffs.

"Mirio, hold Eri for a bit," said Izuku, his hair shadowing his eyes. Izuku currently had not even a trace of a smile on his face. He looked at Overhaul, and Overhaul was scared for the first time.

Lemillion quickly went to Monoma and Shinso, who had used his quirk to make Rappa sleep.

"Take care of her, I am going to assist Gambit," he said as he put Eri next to Monoma.

"Hey, Eri, don't look there," said Monoma.

"W-why?" asked Eri tearfully. She was scared for the heroes.

"Because... hey is he really your dad?" asked Monoma.

"N-no... he is a bad man, he experiments on me..." said Eri, stuttering and choking on her tears.

"Oh..." said Monoma, angry.

Meanwhile, with Overhaul, he was being beaten up by Izuku and Mirio. Overhaul was completely overpowered and was feeling like a ragdoll, just there to take the beating.

(Izuku as Nanami(Blonde) and Mirio as Yuji)

Finally having enough, Overhaul pretended to fall and touched the ground to send spikes towards them, impaling himself too in the process

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Finally having enough, Overhaul pretended to fall and touched the ground to send spikes towards them, impaling himself too in the process.

Mirio and Izuku barely dodged as Overhaul used his quirk to recreate and fill the holes the spikes had made in his body.

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