Chapter 71

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Today is the day, today is the day I'm finally meeting Hanna. I'm feeling nervous already, I don't even know why I should be nervous. I look to my left and see Joe still lying next to me. I roll over to him and pull me against him. He opens his eyes a bit and spread his arms as a gesture for me to come and lay in his arms. I slide a bit closer and feel the too familiar arms of Joe wrapped around me. I lean with my head on his naked chest and I sigh.

"I'm nervous about today, but why?" I ask even though I'm almost sure he doesn't know the answer either. He shrugs. "I don't know, you definitely don't need to be. Everything will be fine, you two will have loads of fun. I've seen you two skyping and FaceTiming so many times before. It seems like you guys know each other for ages." I nod, I hope Joe is right, I hope everything will be fun and Hanna won't dislike me or anything.

"Can you come as well?" I ask when I see Joe walking down the stairs. Joe shakes his head with a sad face. "No, sorry Kay, I will stay with you till Hanna's there and I come in the late afternoon, but I have promised Sawyer to come over and film a short film, he wanted that for quite a long time now, I can't let him down now. He has hired the equipment and everything already." I nod and understand Joe can't stay, but I'm happy he'll stay for the first minutes.

I look around and I don't see Hanna yet. We've decided to meet on the pier. I'm exactly on time and I'm pretty sure Hanna and Eve will be here in time as well. Then, between all the people who're walking on the pier I see the familiar face of Hanna.

"I see her!" I squeeze Joe's hand which I'm holding and I can't stop smiling. I look at Joe who's definitely enjoying me being this happy about seeing someone. "Go then!" He says happily. I smile and let his hand go.

In the second I start running Hanna notices me as well, she runs as hard as she can towards me. She bumps into me and I squeeze her as hard as I can. We almost fall on the ground. I turn her around. I'm so overwhelmed by her finally having in my arms, I start tearing up a bit.

We've probably stand there like this for a minute before we pull back. I notice her crying as well. "We're a mess!" I laugh and hug her again. I really don't care about the people around us, only Hanna matters at the moment.

I sigh and laugh. "You're here! You're actually here." She nods and wraps her arms around me again. We're sitting on a bench now. "You're here too." She says happily. I can't stop laughing. I've no clue where Joe is, but he'll find me, I hope. "Where's Eve? And your parents?" She points to a shop on the other side of the pier. "Look, they're coming already."

I look to the direction Hanna's pointing at. Then I see a younger girl, still 16 but younger than us, almost running towards us. "Kayla! O my god! I'm so happy I can see you, finally. Wow this is one of the weirdest things ever!" I get up from the bench and give her a hug. "Nice to meet you." I smile and look at Eve, she's no idea she has been talking to me for a while now.

Hanna's and Eve's parents walk to me. Their dad reaches his hand to me and I shake it. "Shawn." He says and I smile kindly. "Kayla." The woman next to Shawn, who's apparently their mother, laughs. "We've heard a lot about you Kayla, especially from Eve." Eve starts blushing about it, I think it's quite adorable. "Just like we've heard loads of Joe. And Caspar and Trxye."

She pronounced Troye's artist name like Tryxie. Eve gives an angry look at her mother who corrects herself quickly. "T r x y e, I'm sorry." She laughs. "Eve, do you still want me to take that picture?" She nods and looks at me. "Of course!" I say and pull Eve next to me. Her mother takes a picture of me with Eve and a picture of me, Hanna and Eve together. I guess Hanna and I will make enough pictures together today.

It feels so weird, this is the absolute first time I've ever seen them but it feels like I've known them for such a long time. I know so much about them, even without ever meeting them in real life. They live on the other side of the world, literally, and now we're both here.

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