Chapter 48

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"I dare you to... Put Zoe's hair in your mouth for 10 seconds." Joe laughs evilly to Alfie, who looks pissed off now. He does it and I see Zoe squeezing her fists. "9.. 10." Alfie pulls Zoe's hair out of his mouth and looks really disgusted. "Joe, I will you back for this. Truth or dare?" Joe frowns. "If I say dare now I probably have to do something really disgusting, so truth." Alfie drinks the last bit of beer out of his glass. "How often do you get to bang our lovely Kaybear every week?" Zoe looks - just like me - shocked from Alfie to Joe and back. "Alfie, you can't just ask that!" Zoe pushes Alfie against his shoulder.

"That's alright Zoe. I'll tell you." Alfie looks confused when he realizes Joe will to tell it. So am I by the way. "Zero times my friend." Alfie looks even more confused now. "Not what I expected at all, but alright." Joe looks from Alfie to me and he starts daring Zoe. He doesn't seem embarrassed by it in any way.

I feel a little awkward about it. Why did Joe not care about it at all? He isn't a boy without any proud or something right? And he's so relaxed lately, even though he has a lot of work stuff, does he.. I can't get to think about it. I should ask him. Joe walks into the bedroom and sits down next to me. "Joe, when Alfie asked, you know, did you care about it?" He shakes his head. So he didn't just act like it. "But why? I mean, do you have.." I can't get it out of my throat. "Do you have someone else to have sex with?" My throat cramps and and I physically can't talk anymore.

Joe looks at me with big eyes. "No? No! Of course not! Why would you think that?" I try to explain him that normal guys are 'proud' of the amount. His face relaxes a bit again. "But why would I be embarrassed by listening to my girlfriend and respecting her?" I didn't thought about it from this side. "You are adorable Joe." He winks. "I know." He laughs and kisses me quick. Gosh I missed him.

I know I need to sleep but I don't want to. I've barely seen Joe the past two weeks, let alone slept in one bed. His body turns around and I see his eyes are open as well. "Hi," his voice sounds cracky, "why are you still awake?" I shrug. "Why are you?" I ask him to avoid answering the question. He looks to my face and smiles a bit. "I can't stop thinking." I frown a bit. "About what?" He shakes his head and chuckles a bit. "About us." He says it in a way he doesn't wants to talk about it.

"Hmm not in a good way eh?" He shakes his head. "I hate.. No I love YouTube a lot, but it just takes so much of my time and I can't see you often anymore. You deserve so much more of my time." I pull myself against him. He smiles shortly and wraps his arm around me. "I just.. I don't want this for you. I'm just so busy with everything. I know you love me a lot, but is it enough to stay with me? I don't think it is and I really.." He struggles with his words. "I really don't want that Kayla. Really I don't, but I can't give up YouTube. I live of it. I have.. You understand." I nod slowly and I put my fingers softly on his jawline. "Even if I only get to spend a few seconds every now and then with you Joe, it's worth it." He kisses me on my forehead and smiles a bit. He's definitely not convinced.
"I'll make sure I won't do as much meetings in December, I promise."

"Hi." I whisper, trying not to wake Joe. "Hey, why are we whispering?" Hanna asks. We are FaceTiming again. She kept her promise and didn't tell anyone. "Well.." I lift my phone so she sees Joe sleeping behind me. She puts her hand on her mouth so she won't scream. "I literally just woke up.." I mention and roll on my back. I hate Hanna for living in Australia. When I sleep she's awake and when I'm awake she sleeps. "What are you going to today?" She asks whispering. "Nothing special I think. I might stay over at the Jaspar household as I'm going to a festival tomorrow. With Joe and Caspar, and Will. I don't know Will though. Well, as you hear, a lot of fun!" She laughs, she knows I'm not really a festival person. I like concerts and music but festivals are all so busy and everyone gets drunk and will be grumpy the next morning because of the hangover and same for the day after.

"Well you should enjoy it anyway!" I put my finger on my mouth. "Ssh." She puts her hand over her mouth and I turn around so I face the back of Joe's head. I put my arm over his head and this way Hanna sees Joe's sleepy face. I pull my arm back. "Wait, I'm going to wake him now." Hanna shakes her head. "He won't be happy with that Kayla." I laugh a bit. "What? Why? He should be happy by seeing a fan and his girlfriend.."

I turn the camera around so I film Joe's back. I push my finger on Joe's back. He doesn't react. "Joe." Still, no reaction. "Joe." I poke him and he mumbles something and pulls the duvet higher. "Aw look that's your sunshine off camera." I say and I shake my head. I poke him once again. "Kay stop it." He puts his pillow over his head. I wait a second. "Joe! Help me! Please!"

Joe suddenly turns around to see what's wrong and sees me filming him. "Argh Kayla!" He pushes my phone away. "I thought it was important.." I laugh and film myself again. "It was." Joe turns around again. "And? Why was it important?" I look to my phone and back. "I'm FaceTiming Hanna, you know that internet friend of mine." I see Hanna freaking out and laugh a bit. "Oh yeah." He quickly grabs my phone, too quick for me to react and he holds it far away from me. "Well, now she's my friend. Bye Kayla."

I lean over Joe to grab my phone again. He holds me with one arm and I can't escape. I turn around and struggle to get out of his arm. I end up in laying on my back, upside down over Joe with still his arm around my waist. "Wow, this is such a flattering angle!" I remark and Joe pulls me in front of him. I take the opportunity to grab my phone but he puts it under the blankets. "Joe!"

We both laugh about this all. I lift the duvet a bit. "Hanna, you realize you are under the duvet with Joe now?" I laugh and I hear Hanna laughing as well. Joe pulls the phone back and just looks at me. I can't stop looking back. I'm lost in his eyes and I can't think of anything else than him. He kisses me slowly and puts his hand on my back to pull me closer to him. "Joe," I try to speak between our lips. "Hanna.." I point to the phone and he pulls back. He rolls his eyes a bit and lifts the phone. "Apparently Kayla likes you more than she likes me, so hi."

He gets out of the bed with my phone and starts telling her everything he does. "Well now I'm going to get myself - not Kayla - breakfast." He winks to me and leaves the room. "Joe, you shouldn't forget your girlfriend. Maybe she won't come with you go to that festival anymore." I hear Hanna talking and the next moment Joe enters the room again. "I was just kidding Kayla, come here." He raises his arm and pulls me out of the bed.

I walk from the kitchen to the table to eat my breakfast. FaceTiming Hanna was lovely, as usual. I put my bowlI'm on the table and wrap my arms around Joe's neck. "Hey Kay." He laughs and turns his head so he can kiss me. I kiss his quickly and just lean on him. "You're tired, aren't you?" I nod my head and lean back. "The hate is not even that tiring, you know. Just seeing you e-ver-y - day - again." He sighs sarcastically and shrugs. "I finally thought I found a girl who didn't get tired of me but apparently not. Maybe I should cheat on you with Hanna."
"Don't you dare!"

"Caspar! I brought your girlfriend with me again!" That's the first thing Joe says as soon as we enter the apartment. I hear a voice I never heard before from Caspar's room. "Since when do you have a gir.." It gets interrupted by Caspar who runs up the stairs with two steps a time. "Kayla girl!" He bumps into me. This joke has become so old. Joe pulls off his jacket. "So Will is here as well already?" Joe asks and Caspar nods as soon as he lets me go.

I look behind Caspar and I see a guy walking up the stairs. That must be Will.

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