Chapter 49

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Will walks closer to us but stops half way. He's as skinny as Joe but as tall as Caspar and a lot less muscled as both of them. He's wearing skinny jeans and a blank white shirt. He pushes his glasses up his nose and I can't help it to laugh a bit. He looks a bit like an IT nerd, nothing to judge him with, to be honest. He looks really nice.

"Hi!" I happily walk towards Will. "I'm Kayla, Joe's - and sometimes Caspar's - girlfriend, if you didn't notice yet." I wink quickly to Joe and Caspar who are just looking weird at me. I'm never this out-going and forward to new people. "Hi, I'm Will. So you are going with us?" He asks and I nod. I turn around to Joe and Caspar to put away my jacket.

Joe and Caspar are playing Fifa again and I just sit next to Joe on the couch on my phone. At first I was sitting between them, but as soon as Caspar scored I had to get away there as soon as I could, because Joe was attacking Caspar. I walk away to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. "Do you guys want some?" Joe and Caspar doesn't even respond, they are too into this game. "Will?" He shakes his head. "No thank you." I shrug and I get myself a glass of water.

I drink the last bit of my glass as soon as I see Joe's vlogging camera. "Are you going to vlog the festival Joe?" He doesn't respond again. Will looks from me to Joe and laughs a bit. "Okay then." I turn the camera on and start filming myself. "Hi ya. Uh, yeah. Joe is ignoring me as he's playing Fifa." I hold up the empty glass.

"Joseph!" I get a mumbled answer back. "Yeah." I raise my eyebrows. "He responded, that's a surprise.. Do you want some water?" I have to repeat this question again and he says the same answer again. I fill the glass with water. "Would you like some salt in it?" I ask and I secretly hope he just says yes again. "Yeah sure." He mumbles and punches Caspar against his shoulder. I roll my eyes and laugh. Will, who follows it all, starts laughing as well. "He's so stupid."

I walk with the glass with a lot of salt to Joe. "Here ya go." I give the glass to Joe, who pauses the game. "Do you want some as well Caspar?" I look at Joe who starts drinking. A second later everything is on the ground and table. "Kayla!" He turns around quickly and sees me filming him. "Oh you!" He jumps of the couch and I start running away. "Ah Joe no!" I run down the stairs and run into Joe's room. I jump into Joe's bed and hide under the duvet. "Yeah, hmm where is Kayla? I really don't know."

A second later Joe pulls the duvet away and I scream. "Kayla.." I can't help giggling a bit. "Joe." I say giggly. He sighs and raises his hand. "Give me that camera." I put my hand on his hand and he pulls me out of the bed. "You're an annoying girlfriend." I turn the camera around to myself and pull a sad face. "Don't worry, I love you a lot. Now come." I laugh quickly and turn off the camera. "You have to use this footage." He shrugs and grabs my wrist to take me with him upstairs.

"We will see."

I sigh a bit and look up from my phone. Will looks at me and I raise my eyebrows. He quickly looks away and shakes his head. I shrug and look to Joe, who is just being unsocial on his phone, just like Caspar by the way. I make a picture of them being unsocial and decide to tweet it to them.

@kayla_horwitz: "Sitting next to these unsocial humans @joe_sugg @caspar_lee"

I tweet it and Joe looks up quite fast. "Kayla.." He opens the picture and smiles a bit. He closes the picture and the next thing I know is Joe making a picture of me. I rest my hand, with my phone, on my knees, which are pulled up to my chin. I decide to make a unserious one and I put my two fingers in a peace sign over my cheek and lift my head. I smile big and wait for him to make the picture. Caspar, who sits between me and Joe, leans backwards so he isn't in the picture. I search for Joe's Twitter account and refresh it. Joe tweeted me already.

@joe_sugg: "@kayla_horwitz yeah hi you too."

He didn't tweet the picture with it. "Was my picture too ugly to post?" I laugh and he shakes his head as a reply. He points to my phone. "Look again." I click on his tweet and still no picture, obviously. I click back on his account and click on the pictures. I see the picture. I click it and I laugh at myself. "I look absolutely amazing there!" He nods and I zoom into Caspar's head who's just in the corner of the picture. "Look, you are looking amazing as well." I push my phone almost in Caspar's face.
I notice that this picture is from another tweet. I click on it to read the tweet.

@joe_sugg: "Sitting on the couch with this cutie! And Kayla.. @kayla_horwitz @caspar_lee"

I laugh about it and look up from my phone and find Joe filming me. "Joe!" I put my hands over my face. I hear Joe talking to his phone. "She liked my tweet." I look up and see him still filming me. "But it was funny.." I laugh about myself acting stupid. "Are you seriously going to put this on Snapchat?" I ask when he stops filming. He nods proudly and I sigh. "Thanks."

"@joe_sugg @kayla_horwitz DID YOU BROKE TWO UP?"

I see that tweet between my mention. I frown a bit, why would she or he think that? I decide to ask it.

@kayla_horwitz: "@zozeebooty as far as I know we didn't! Haha why? X"

I wait her to react but the only thing she tweets are random letters like; afdkdldhs. I laugh a bit, thanks to my fan account I know people do this when they get noticed, but why would they do this with a tweet of me? A moment later she replies me with; "KAYLA SGSKS". Then, after 5 minutes, she sends me a normal answer.

@zozeebooty: "@kayla_horwitz LUCKILY! I was worried just then! Because Caspar sits between you two.."

I pull a sarcastic face and give my phone to Joe, so he can see it. "Fans can overreact about literally everything!" He says as soon as he has read the tweet. I pull my phone back and laugh a bit. Some people are weird. I don't reply to her again. Joe gets of the couch to get his laptop. I look questionably to him and he explains it. "As we're on the festival tomorrow I have to upload the video tonight so I only have to make it public tomorrow."

"Night!" I wave quickly to Caspar and Joe who're still on the couch. Will and I are going to bed already. I'm not a person who sleeps early like Zoe, but I'm not a person like Joe and Caspar who stay up till 3 am. Will follows me down the stairs. I walk into Joe's bedroom to go into his bathroom next, I realize this became so natural. I didn't even doubt about which bathroom I would use.

Will follows me into Joe's room to grab his stuff. "Oh yeah! You slept here last night!" He nods a bit. I guess Will isn't a person who talks a lot. I grab my toothbrush and Joe's toothpaste. I'm to lazy to grab mine. While I'm brushing my teeth I walk past Will and grab my bag. I get my makeup remover and look at Will being busy with packing his stuff. I grab a shirt of him and give it to him. He quickly smiles a bit and takes it. "Thanks." He says shortly. "Will?" He looks up and pauses him packing his stuff. "Yeah?" I shrug a bit. "Did I do anything wrong why you are so silent and shyly towards me?"

He quickly shakes his head. "No. No you did nothing wrong,really." He says and continues grabbing his cloths. I walk away to the bathroom to spit my toothpaste in the sink. It still doesn't feel right. "You're sure?" I ask from the bathroom. I look around the corner and see Will nodding. "I'm the awkwardness myself, you won't say it now but I am. You can tell me?" He nods a bit. He finished packing his stuff. "Yeah I'm not good with strangers, and especially not girls and especially especially not you."

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