Chapter 7- First step into Hell

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"Flugzeug! Menschen zu stationen!" A soldier yells and men rush around quickly finding cover or manning the AA batteries down the road. With the over pass of planes the artillery barrage has come to a end and the acidic smell of gunpowder is still thick in the night air.

The commonwealth forces are flying over head to begin dropping their bombs or with the fighter escort they'd dip down and strafe positions.

With all the commotion and chaos there's still dead lying about with wounded men who're being carted off still even though there's fire being rain downward. Some of the younger men are in shell shock some crying with their sobs raking their bodies or most just laying in cover curled mumbling inaudible things praying for the nosies to stop.

"Bring up the reserve fill in the gaps!" Are heard along the defense lines with men rushing up from down the street under the fire of the bombs hoping into dug out positions or going into buildings to reinforce said position.

"Aufstehen!" a Captain would occasionally yell kicking a few of the cowering recruits that are curled in a ball within their small hidey hole with explosions rocketing around them.


"Artillery is to commence a creeping barrage once the bombers get out of the line of fire, then I want the advance to begin, we must take this town." The Brigadier General says to the general staff with a Colonel going to be leading along with several majors as well.

With new munitions getting ready and stacked the crews outside are preparing to commence the next barrage setting out the coordinates for the sequence firing.

2 miles out the field between the Germans and Ally forces has been deemed as 'No mans land' due to scouts reporting of mines being laid out and there's tank traps with barb wire out there too. Along with barely any cover available to a charge so a creeping barrage has been ordered.

Sitting in the sands Ben and Phillip along with Able Company and a squadron of Church Hills quietly await. Nervously as well since they're in the assault squad going in first where losses of this company will be severe if the artillery isn't able to do their job properly.

British and American forces have come together for the last push into Tunisia that'll force the Germans to the shores. They're coordinating to box in the remnants of the Wehrmacht at the shore off the coast of Northern Africa and finally liberate Africa from the German hold.

Quietly looking towards the squad leader Ben slowly hears a voice speak up "So sir, we finally got jerry boxed in here, how are we going to survive this then?" the man asks smoking a cigar the dunes keeping them well hidden from enemy scouts and snipers.

Looking up and with the sound of anxiety at the tip of his voice the Lieutenant says "For now, we're waiting until the creep barrage clears the way, we'll advance under cover of that" the Lieutenant manages to say keeping his voice calm yet he is not fond of the idea of a open charge.

Stealing a glance at his stop watch and right on time the heavy thundering roar of Artillery gives everyone a jump on all sides. With the screeches of shells the Church hills start their engines up and advance the Company quickly lining up behind the tanks for cover following them forward in the advance.

While the creeping barrage is paving a way through where it lands 20 yards ahead of the advancing Companies it provides cover as need be and with mines exploding the front of the church hills are bouncing debris off their hulls.

"Artillery!" A yell arrises and everyone's in cover again feeling the earth shaking from shell impacts. After a moment however everyone sits or is getting up to see what's going on due to none of the shells landing on them.

"The Allies are coming positions, prepare to fire!" The yell of the Company officer sounds and everyone quickly mans their post. Leveling their weapons forward to fire either from a window or from the dug out sandbag positioning.

Setting his rifle down range and arming himself with a Panzerfaust that he then leans against the wall near to him. Up there in a 2nd story house that's 3 houses in from the line Kristin aims and there's tension in the air.

"Feuer Frei!" the order comes yells and Kristian squeezes the trigger the Kar98 bucking in recoil against his shoulder, quickly reloading Kristin repeats the process of firing and reloading with the bolt action rifle.

The line along the town has opened fire with bright flashes from windows, or dug out positions within the sand and multiple flashes from mortar pools in the back light up the night.

Quickly picking up the Panzerfaust Kristin aims setting the sights and fires, once done he quickly discards the one shot launcher and goes back to firing.

The rocket screams forward through the cover of the barrage and imbeds itself on the tracks of a Church Hill stopping the tank completely.

Gun fire lights up the night with green tracers flying forward and red firing back, pops of rifles and rattles of machine guns following the sound of explosions from mortars and artillery it's the sympathy of death. The gun powder is thick and choking yet the assault squads advance returning fire and taking losses.

Aiming down his iron sights Kristin fires his kar taking out soldiers not cautious enough to the point they're sticking their heads out to much from cover and he's keeping their heads down.

More Panzerfaust fire and their missiles scream forward to strike out at the Church hills firing at them. Under the gun fire a crew of 5 roll up a light anti tank piece it being a light 105mm and there, they've set up quickly loading a shell in.

"Feuer!" The soldier yells and they ignite the fuse, the 105mm roaring its deathly roar lobbing the shell down range imbedding itself in the weak armor of the tracked Church hill and the tank ignites in a gulf of fire.

"Close the distance!!! Advance!" yells a officer the roaring over the gun fire that's nearly drowning him out and the tanks go full throttle the infantry rushing forward as well.

The distance has been closed and Phillip yells opening fire with his grease gun gunning down a German infantrymen. Quickly following up Ben lobs a grenade forward before dropping to take cover from incoming fire.


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I do apologize as this has been a bit over due but I've finally found a time in my day that actually works out for me to complete things such as this, happy reading my friends!

Aufstehen~ Stand up

Flugzeug menschen zu stationen ~Aeroplane men to stations

Creeping barrage~ A barrage that is fired 20 - 50 yards in a series of major direct fire where Infantry will advance under the moving of the barrage.


What do you think might happen to our brave fellows both in the Wehrmacht and the commonwealth forces? I'm eager to hear your voice! Leave a comment as well please, G'day! :)

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