Chapter 19- Over the hills and far away

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"Listen up lads, Command wants us to take that hill and what he commands we obey.... Use the tanks for cover, begin the advance!!" The Commanding officer orders driving the lads and tanks forward.

The Church hills take up the front as they'll be spear heading the assault with the Infantry to the back and on the flanks where they'll be advancing as well.

Softly exhaling Baron fires again watching blood splatter against a soldier from the first one he shot, then with a follow up shot. He fires again putting a hole through the 2nd man that got drenched in the blood with a bullet to the chest cavity.

Hitting vitals like the lungs or the heart, Baron continues to conduct clean and humane kills from his snipers position. Being a Sharpshooter of the Wehrmacht is a time honored tradition of the Astor family and he graduated amongst the top 5 of his Sniper class.

Slowly driving the bolt forward again after reloading, he takes aim after a inhale and he lines up his next shot. Gently exhaling he squeezes the trigger and the crackle of his rifle adds to the sound of the mass fire fight. Eagerly watching the bullet through his scope drop down range penetrating a advancing officers upper left torso, he reloads quickly this time.

Carefully putting his rifle under the log then laying flat on his stomach, he lies still and blending in with the log and long grass of the plains. With his ghillie suit on he lies still quietly awaiting his death, capture or freedom.

The rumble of the advancing church hills vibrates the earth and infantrymen run by oblivious to the concealed sniper that's laying against the fallen log. With tracers flying back and forth dancing up and down the hill red and green fly back and forth.

Finally within range for their main armament to reach up the hill, the Church hills fire and advance with the metal beast climbing the slope. A second church hill fires and it pings off the armor of Ritter Rots frontal armor. The loud thud shutters the upper tank turret making the seating uncomfortable and with a curse, Marcus spots the target for his gunner who then quickly takes aim.

Firing the shell screams forward and it punches a hole through the weak spot of the view port that's on the front of the Church hill. Sending the tank into a fiery ball of death, a encased fiery coffin with no chance to escape.

Ben moves up the slop of the hill firing and covering those who are advancing in front of him, there he watches a Marine rush a fox hole. The man cooks his grenade and throws it in as he jumps to the ground covering the back of his head with his hands for protection.

The 2 Germans caught off guard, yell in surprise and quickly scramble to try and get out of the pit, but they're gunned down by a Corporal wielding a Bren. Unluckily the British marine that thrown the grenade in tries getting up to run back to cover, and he's brutally gunned down my a Mg42 twenty yards back.

A second shell pings the Red Knights thick frontal armor, and with curses and yells from the crew inside, the Tiger aims and fires again. The A.P.H.E shell screams forward and hits the area of where the driver is within the British tank, then a follow up shot to the magazine ignites the Church Hill into a display of bright colors and a boom.

Another shell is fired from a nearby Church, and this one lands home killing Ritter Rots Funker that also would man the Mg port in the front. Once the flames from the H.E are put out, there's a slight sense of panic with blood everywhere from the mans upper body getting obliterated. Sitting there, in that chair is just the lower half and legs with gore and guts spilling out from his severed body.

"Get us out of here now!" Marcus yells over the intensity of the fire fight raging outside of his tank, with orders the driver puts the tank into motion pulling them back and down the hill to safety and the 2nd Tiger from earlier has taken their place.

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