Chapter 2~ The metal horses

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"The Americans are under strength, we should be able to easily attack and crush them. That's if we can over run the positions quick enough before the reserves coming up on our flanks reach the pass, herr." Karl says in the back of a Kubelwagen with Rommel who's reading the report before he looked up.

"Gut deploy the troops, then signal the charge." Rommel says looking over the map again which he has put out on his lap. Taking his time to carefully study the positions on the map, and further his plan of attack accordingly.

Kris's tank crew has finished the small repairs that were needed and they're currently taking a break at the munitions dump before anymore orders come for to commence the forward attack.

But much to everyone's short lived break, orders do come down from command and they're moving out once more.

A few hours later they've met up with the flanking force at the right of Kasserine pass. Kris, and his crews have met up with them for the pincer movement as part of the prong attack which they're a part of .

Weber and Kristin being part of the forward Panzer Grenadier assault forces, are being driven up with the heavier tanks leading the charge alongside the Panzers. Including the transport halftracks that are bringing men to the forward lines, but they're also hanging a bit back.

"Enemy spotted 1200 yards and closing to the North!" An American spotter yells quickly hopping down from his vantage point in the rocks. Moments later the light artillery are getting rolled out and set into position behind the safety of the stacked sandbags.

Getting the tank destroyers and the light Stuarts into position of fortified tank fox holes, the American infantrymen do the same manning their own fox holes.

"Feuer Frei!" Markus orders leading the 12 main battle tanks in the front of the entire charge and the Tiger's 88MM cannons thunder to life, rattling the moving the tank. Then the 11 Panzers in a spaced out wedge formation open fire as well, wanting to soften up the American positions before the grunts move in.

The tanks are first into the pass taking fire from the Americans as the medium Panzer tanks are stopping to let those that have gotten a ride off and the half trucks come to a stop as well. The MG42s mounted guns begin blazing away providing cover for the dismounting infantry.

"Los geh! Jetzt los!" Weber yells over the increasing gun fire and the 8 men in the half truck get out and rush to the rocks taking cover with 12 other men forming up the platoon.

"Wait for the Panzer to clear the way, then push up! Use the tank for cover!" Weber yells as a Panzer's staying behind angles his armor slightly and then. He slows the tank down, providing cover for the soldiers and the 12 men quickly rush forward taking cover behind the tank. Now as the tank begins moving forward, the Grenadiers can begin their advance from behind the Panzer in the safety of cover.


Extreme right flank

"Feuer!" Kris orders and his squad opens fire up from the sand dunes providing cover, and overwatch for the advance of the Motor-Infantry. Soon from the heavy pressure applied by Kris's squadron and the infantry, the Americans are overrun.

"Bring us forward! Lets make sure they don't come back to cause us trouble." Kris orders and then with a gentle kick, he swings his foot out to connect with his driver in the middle of the back, signaling for him to bring the tank forward just incase he didn't hear him.

The gun port on the Panzers front hull opens up with fire from the installed Mg, which is effortlessly mowing down what its gunner can see in the 45 degree angle whilst the tank slowly advances. Firing the main armament and killing a tank destroyer that failed to even come close to hitting them.

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