Chapter 13- Order of the Iron Cross

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Italy, Rome May 29th 1943

Making his way off of the ship he shows his I.D. papers to the ship sentries that are on station at the gangplank, and they step aside letting him pass. Breathing in the fresh salty sea air Karl holds a grin to his face as he begins his walk asking around for the telegram station and he's directed towards one by a Italian Police officer.

Karl heads to the telegram station in the vast and glorious city of Rome and there after filling out info and paying a small tax. Karl has a telegram sent out to Klaudia in Germany, saying he's returning home on July 2nd at the Geletendorf station he'll be arriving from.

Once that's taken care of Karl begins a small tour of the area of Rome where he's at within the area, seeing the old gladiator arena standing tall and large. Broken down from wear and tear of weather and basic old building issues the grand arena still stands tall. So Karl got his little tour of Rome and satisfied with his exploring and curiosity dealt with, he moves on heading to the train station.

The suns setting over the beautiful city and he enters the queue of the line to pay for ticket and transportation. For the evening express that's on its way to Bavaria Germany. The line slowly moves along taking 14 minutes before Karl is finally at the front and he purchases his ticket, once done. He heads to the number 8 platform getting onto the train and handing his ticket to the train attendee who punches out his ticket.

Once that's done he heads in and finding a seat towards the middle of the train room and he sits on down finally able to relax. Leaning back a little bit into his seat Karl gets ready for the 6 hour ride to the next station up at the Italian borders.

Quietly looking down he begins to prepare himself for tomorrow where he'll begin breaking the sad news to the families of the men within his regiment that had died.


March 30th 1943
8 am Bavaria Germany outskirts of Munich.

The kubelwagon with two men in it drives up and slows down coming to a stop at the edge of the driveway and Karl sighs opening the door and getting out. The Captain, a 30 year 0ld regimental officer named Pryitz joins him as they make their way up the driveway to the door.

As the day before he talked with his superiors to recommend Weber and 6 others the Iron Cross which was approved from the battle review. Then Karl recommended Weber for the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves and swords for his unyielding bravery in the face of the enemy.

After a long discussion and Karl explaining Webers valor, and how he fought to the death in the building where he went beyond the call of duty to hold hi position. After a longer discussion with the high command and reviewing Webers battle stats in Tunisia it was finally approved as well.

Reaching the door steps Karl an Prytiz removes their hats then Karl knocks raping his knuckles against the wooden frame. After a moment the door opens and a little girl answers. Sophies face brightens thinking it's Weber then realizing it's not her mood darkens with a frown.

"Hallo mädchen, ist deine mutter hier?" Karl asks gently his face expressionless as he calmly stands at eased waiting for a reply. With a hesitant nod Sophie closes the door and she runs to get her mother. Quickly the door shoots back open as Webers mother Fräu Radler answers her breathing taking a sudden hitch seeing and knowing exactly what this is about.

Catching her breath and regaining her composure she fights back tears desperately, seeing the two medals within a small case and the document letters. With brave words she calms a little saying "Bitte, gentlemen come in and have a seat in the living room." She says.

The two gentlemen thank her and enter respectively by wiping their boots on the door mat first getting the dirt out, then they make their way to the living room and they sit down.

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