Chapter 3~ Evening the odds

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US lines 25 miles from German FOB...


"The forward lines at the pass have been overran, well good and bad thing is. You boys arrived here late and it's way to late to reinforce out lines now, but at least your company made it Major" The Camp officer says as the last of the British reserves from 1st army are unloading.

"Quite we're here now Commander" Philip says as he and the Colonel approach to talk with the OIC.

"Do you gentlemen want me to secure a place for your men to rest up, commands already got missions brewing." The OIC asks.

"Sure, the lads deserve a hours break with hot food, Sergeant. Get the men fed" The Colonel says as Phillip salutes and heads off while the Colonel turns back to talk with the OIC of the camp.


Making use of what the Americans left behind the Germans have began scavenging for supplies, intel, ammo, equipment etc.

As they have gotten their hands on M1 trucks making the idea of moving the heavy equipment possible.

Throughout the day the Germans kept pushing using their experience and superior equipment for big effects easily able to plow over the unprepared and inexperienced Americans.

So far the Germans have pushed far without much resistance or casualties deep into Kasserine pass.

***3 hours later***
*British 1st army reserves combatant*

"Kraut placements up ahead, we'll need to flank those guns before the main assault begins." Phillip says in a low whisper.

Him, Ben, and 6 other privates where sent ahead of the combat Brigade to silence the encamped guns.

Slowly creeping along the rocks staying low. Phillip moves with the 6 others in a single file line move up towards the sleeping Germans and few roaming guards.

"There's the first gun you lot, fix bayonets" He whispers watching his lads fix bayonets at the end of their Lee rifles as he slings his Sten over his back and he switches to his sidearm.

"Keep things quiet lads, try not to wake Jerry" Phillip says whispering as 2 hours past sunrise most of the crews are still asleep with little guars roaming here and there.

The 6 move into the camp of the 8 gun positions taking about 6-8 men each to operate those monstrous guns.

Quietly with the time bombs in their arsenal they move about quickly and quietly planting their bombs inside the lowered 88 barrels.

There's another set of footsteps as it's a Artilleryman waking up to relieve himself behind the rocks the surprised man stumbles back seeing the squad and he sounds the alarm.

"Shiesse! Kontact alarm!" he yells and the camp along with the guard awaken and to arms they go.

"Get those charges set!! Covering fire!" Phillip oderrs as gun fire errupts the British taking cover in the German 88 pits using the sandbags while returning fire.

Quickly returning his Sten into his hands Phillip fires in bursts cutting down a few Germans running for cover.

Meanwhile Ben is getting the last charge set jumping when ever a bullet bounces off the metal of the 88 or landing near him.

"Keep your head clear Private, plant those charges!" Phillip yells over the exchange of the gunfire.

"Charges set sir!" Ben yells quickly ducking behind cover and popping his head over cover Phillip fires his gun.

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