Chapter 24- Day three

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The bullet skimmed past Barons inner arm, his reflexes saved him because he jumped as soon as he seen the glint of the scope. He however didn't get away without a scratch, due to the bullet grazing his arm.

Cursing a little as the pain erupts with a burning sensation, he quickly ducks down into cover then removing the small medical kit from the bag in his pocket. He cuts his sleeve away to bandage up the grazed wound with gauze bandaging, once done he sighs taking his Kar and checks it to make sure it wasn't damaged in his fall against to the roof.

Satisfied it's still abled to fire, he slowly moves up to peer over the line of the roof again to find the shooters position. Scanning the area quickly, he tries to find his target, and luckily the sniper himself made a mistake. He isn't watching to make sure that Baron was dead nor that he was facing away from the Sun to prevent scope glare.

Bringing his weapon up to his shoulder Baron quickly finds the glint of the scope again and he lines up his shot aiming just a above the glare. He fires and then quickly with a follow up shot, he sends his bullets forward.

They scream forward piercing the air and then they drop down with gravity that punches a hole through the window glass and the gap between the window shelf and plane. The glint from the scope violently jerks away and Baron smirks with satisfaction knowing he's gotten the kill.

Exhaling the rest of his breath before he goes into normal breathing, he gets back down against the rocky roof top. Wincing from the adrenaline wearing off of him, that is now bringing the burning sensation which intensifies in the cool breeze.

Sitting there and trying to ignore the pain, he can't no more and he goes back to treating his wound up on the roof tops in safety.

As below him the intense fire fight rages in the narrow streets and allies which are filled with the cries of the dying and wounded men. Who're calling for help or loved ones all the while tracers and bullets ferociously fly back and forth.

Squeezing the trigger in bursts, Kristin continues to lay down suppressive fire. All the while Ben, Phillip, and the three others within their squad are getting into the building near them for a flanking attack. Which was successful leaving the middle left flank exposed and opened to further pressure.

"Enemy in the house by us, Otto man the gun, Oslo you're with me!" Kristin yells quickly picking up his MP40 and moves to the entrance of the housing with Oslo. Not wanting to risk the boys by sending them in, Oslo and Kristin rush forward to clear the house as they'll stand a better chance with their veterancy.

"Enemy infantry coming in, look out!" A Private yells before Kristin guns him down near point blank and the second lad. Quickly raises his Sten up to fire, however Kristin was quicker and he guns down the Englishmen before ducking into cover with Oslo.

Taking cover because of return fire, then both of them reloading fresh clips into the weapons they both begin to silently count down from three.

Once Kristin reached zero with his fingers by holding them in a fist, they spring up and the Veterans open fire using their faster firing weapons to the advantage. Hip firing they spray the room in front of them where Phillip, Ben, and the other lad was.

There's a hit as the 3rd Private yells out in pain clutching his face with a bullet lodged in his skull, before he collapses in a bloody mess that quickly pools.

Kristin tackles Ben who was running to check on his fallen fellow and the two get into a grapple fight. Meanwhile Oslo is squaring up Phillip who stands six feet shorter then him and Oslo then takes the offensive swinging his entrenching tool, since both of them dropped their empty sub machine guns to get close and personal.

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