Karl allowed four hours of rest and around 5 am he assembled the unit to move out again, the three section commanders where chosen to lead their sector by experience the most experienced going in the dangerous one down the middle whilst their newest Hauptmann has gone with Oberst Kriesser on the right.
With a map laid out before them, Karl quickly updates his two Majors and Captain about the up coming situation and route plans they must follow.
"By splitting up into platoon size forces, we'll cover more ground faster with a better chance of remaining undetected, it's simple really." Karl says looking up to look at his three officers.
"Safe guard our funkers gentlemen, they're the only ones that can keep all three platoons in contact with one another. Get everyone fed and ready we're moving out in ten." Karl orders as the three men nod and quickly get up and move out to get their assigned platoons ready to march out.
Once the ten minutes have came Karl speaks up " Move out, we're to meet up at the end of these hilly fields three miles northwards." Quickly on the order the unit sized force quickly moves out, splitting into three sectors of platoons going by the tasked mission.
For the platoon going down the middle involving the more experienced of the fighters, includes Kristin which is sadly unfortunate to be assigned to that platoon. From there they trek forward on complete silence as the mosquitoes have began their ruthless attack.
The rising sun is finally turning to dawn where it'll begin warming up the cool hills of the Sicily countryside and onto the weary, exhausted Wehrmacht troops only half a mile to friendly lines.
"Hey sir, Ser! Wake up.. I got a Jerry patrol heading our way..." A Private says waking up his snoozing NCO.
"Hmpf... Patrol huh? Let me see." The Sergeant says groggily taking the binoculars an he nearly jumps out of his socks seeing the heavily armed platoon.
"That's not a patrol, that's a heavily armed platoon. Jerry might be trying for a push, get your weapon up we're engaging!" The Nco says leaning against the fallen tree they've chosen to settle down at.
The Private nods and quickly aims his rifle using the tree log for a steady support and then he fires. With a pop from the rifle that sends the bullet forward, it ends up whizzing by almost hitting a soldier.
There's yells in German and the lad fires again hitting a Schütze this time and Kristin has spotted the shooter and begin to return fire. Nearby British patrols have come to lend a hand and a full fledged fire fight has erupted drawing the two platoons in along with nearby British patrols.
Seeing the odds aren't in their favor, the Englishmen have requested for some help to hopefully surround and eliminate this "push". With a few Matilda's and a church hill coming to the call, this causes the Germans to fall back into a thicket where it's better cover and now they're surrounded and outgunned.
"They got us surrounded herr, we're ficked with the current situation!" A officer reports to Karl who winces a little from a few bullets landing nearby him.
Recovering quickly he replies with a urgent rush "Get the Funkers to radio for help, even if it's a little. We need to break out of this encirclement." Karl yells over the rattle of the MG fire and grenade explosions.
"Yes sir will do!" The man yells as he salutes and quickly turns to head off, his ears ringing from constant fire. A bullet nearly takes his head off as he ducks and quickens his pace.
Crouching down to give orders, a H.E. shell from the church hill fires and it screeches forth crashing down near Karls position. The explosive force kills a few men and it sends Karl flying forward with shrapnel and metal that has shot out into his back pushing him further where he lands on the rocky earth below. The harsh impact from his fall and the way he landed on his head has sent Karls world into darkness with some blood on his skull.
Fighting to stay awake he can only slowly close his eyes trying to fight the darkness off as a medic has reached his side, the last thing Karl sees before he slips into unconsciousness is the Sanitäter.
Chaos erupts in the German rank and with their veteran commander out of action, however the panic is quickly stilled by the Majors and they take command.
** German Field Command**
"Herr! Urgent reports coming in, the Centuripe defenders are alive but they're surrounded n cut off a quarter mile behind enemy lines!" A Unteroffizer reports from his post by the Funker of the field. The entire room here has turned into a furious storm of movement.
A Brigadier General or BrigadeGeneral quickly moves to the mapped tables and watches the route officers quickly circle the location and quickest routes to the area of interest. From there two panzer crews and a Hetzer with three squads of infantry support are sent forth.
"High command wants them saved by any means necessary, see it done gentlemen!" He yells over the wild commotion which gets the activity moving faster.
Under the intense gunfire one of the field medics is doing what he can to treat Karls head and back injuries, all the while the circle is tightening and bullets are starting to hit more accurately for both sides.
"Die pigs die!" Kristin yells trying to out sound the rattle of his MG as he fires in long bursts hitting men who can't find cover properly or get out of the way. Kristin and his squad mates are holding their sector effectively using the dense shrubbery in the thicket for cover.
The one Matilda makes a mistake by getting to close and a few shots from nearby Panzerfaust where fired at the tank. When the few shots do connect cheers erupt as the tank was sent into a show of sparks and fire as the crew is scrambling out only to get gunned down because Kristin has focused his attention at them.
The English have closed the gap further with only 30 meters out to spare, within that range, grenades are being thrown back and forth. As the second Matilda approaches, it combusts into fire as a shell explodes forward. The small support force has finally made it in time and the tanks have begin opening fire, forcing the British back.
With this lucky breakthrough, the German infantry quickly fall back under the support and covering fire of their tanks.
Being carried out by stretcher Karl, and the wounded are ran out as well under the cover of the supporting infantry and tankers. With the adjective complete everyones falls back to their lines all the while the British keep the aggression on driving them out.
*Northern Sicily, Marcus's tank crew*
Further North near the coast of Sicily, Marcus and his crew are tuning their replacement Tiger to their liking and climbing up to stand on the top turret, Marcus chuckles and says.
"Ritter Rot will ride forth once again men, I can't wait to get back into action." Marcus says with a smile looking over the members of his Tiger crew.
"Jawohl!" They excitedly shout back and Marcus looks down towards their newest member of the tank crew.
"Welcome to Ritter Rot" He says leaning forward a little.
That's the end of this chapter ladies and gentlemen!
I've also made this shorter to leave everyone wanting to hopefully finish this by waiting in suspense, but over all I'm evil too:)
I'm also sad to say, the next chapter is the final chapter of 'The Price of a mile'A big thank you to those who've been reading from the beginning, that means a lot that you're going to finish this book with me!
See everyone on the next update as that'll be the last one of this book, there'll be a prologue following that as well, see everyone then
Sanitäter ~ Medical Corpseman
As always if you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to bayonet that vote button!
The price of a mile (Second story in the world war series)
Historical FictionMay 12 1943 the attack on Kasserine Pass in Africa by the Axis has commenced. The men of war from Germany's war machine plunges deep into Africa with the battle against the Allies to take control, and secure sea ports for the Kreigsmarine. But goes...