Chapter 26- Sabateurs

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The progressing infantry have been stopped as over the past hour Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht sniper teams have successfully infiltrated the town and now. They've hunkered down to hold key points throughout the town so when a retreat happens the infantry can safely pull away.

Meanwhile Baron is unaware of the current events following the retreat further back which has left the man surrounded by angry Englishmen.

Carefully lining his shot up, he has kept the iron sights on which have proved to work countless times and saved him from counter snipers. The glint of his scope is something he doesn't have to luckily worry about, so tracking his target he then fires.

Quickly reloading he watches the man he aimed for drop forward and dead with his body jerking to the left. The return fire from a sniper forces Baron to stay in cover because elite sniper teams have been hunting him for the past half hour, along with any other sniper they come across.

'That was too close, where the hell is he?" Baron mutters and then carefully and slowly he peaks his head above cover to look out the window.

He sees a glint in a window four houses down and he quickly ducks back down, he wasn't spotted by the sharpshooter. So griping his rifle tightly he pops up aiming and quickly ducks back down after he pulls the trigger to firing.

Sitting against the wall, Baron quietly waits minute and then slowly peeks again and smiles seeing the window has been splattered in blood from where he was aiming at.

Hearing the nearby gunfight rage onwards, Baron quickly checks and counts his munitions and then frowns. Six mags left which leaves him thirty rounds in all and they'll go quickly too. Then hearing footsteps outside of the window he gets ready to strike bringing his gun up.

* Hotel temp German HQ *

"Sir reports are coming in, we're running low on munitions and we got a estimated guess of ten mags left between each soldier and such." A officer reports standing to attention in front of the Oberst in the conference room that was cleared out.

Looking up and with a sigh Karl begins "We got to hold out no matter what. Tell the men to make every shot count from here on out and since there's sniper teams that've broken through the blockade that surrounds us. Supplies will be coming through that small opening shortly, until then Hauptmann. Every shot must count, do I make myself clear?" Karl says nodding as the Captain salutes him and he returns it, then watching the man turn about and leave. Karl straightens his posture up hearing someone talk to him.

"Herr, the British advance is being held back for the time being, the sniper teams are doing good as the Generaloberst said." A Funker reports and Karl nods a little happy to hear some good news for once.

"Good, their standing order is to hold positions and their sectors, they're doing good let them know that." Karl says and then he focuses his attention on the town map and layout that holds his troops positions. The 2nd line between the first line and their last is currently where the main battle is now raging.

'We're going to be over ran in a hour or two... So what ever is taking so long, for the love of god please herr Generaloberst get what you need to get done and hurry..." Karl quietly says with a slight frown to his features as he sighs a little, then he gets back to studying the town layout.

*6 miles west of Centuripe*

A platoon of 20 men from the Totenkopf saboteur and engineering unit have gotten their orders and briefed by the SS-Oberführer of their regiment. Only one order is to be followed by them from which he had given them.

"Kill them all, I want nothing left standing of those supply depos, kill any civilian that is housing the Ally troops, or even talking to them. I want them shot dead." The man had ordered in a scary matter that even made a SS-Scharführer shiver a bit with the maddening look in the eyes of the man.

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