Chapter 8 ~ Men of war

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Major casualties are taken on the final stretch before house to house fighting erupts with urban combat ensues. Positions are being over ran and men are dying all around with the rage of battle is everywhere.

Squaring off against a soldier Kristin yells rushing forward with his spade shovel and with all his force he drives it up into the mans neck on top of the vocals. Where blood quickly sprays and the soldier slumps back gurgling on the blood pooling out of his throat that's dripping into his lungs.

With soldiers falling around him from the vicious street fighting Kristin holds his position as he was forced out of his original position down into the streets below. Luckily for him he got into the MG sandbagged position in time.

The shouts of officers and pops of fire arms with the rapid pops of pistols signals that the fighting has kicked off into full brutality.

There's a loud screech and quickly ducking his head Kris quickly looks back up feeling the air and burn from the rocket trail pass over his head and slams into a approaching church hill.

This is a utter nightmare, men are being strangled, stabbed or brutally bashed by a rifle getting bludgeoned to death. Blood is running in the streets and gore.... Blood and gore it's everywhere in these streets, in the house to house fighting and fighting to the death. This is a total massacre of human life and the Germans are not giving a inch of ground for they're glory bound for the pride of their father land.

Even the cowering recruits that are gun shy have turned into vicious rabid animals trying to survive, wanting to live. This war has turned everyone into mindless beasts, killing machines. A war machine, not even able to think any more except for survival and the want to live.

With a battle cry roaring from his voice Kristin drives the stock of his rifle onto a young man ruthlessly and repeatedly raising and slamming the stock into the young mans face until the twitching stops. Standing and panting a little stepping back the boys face has been pulverized and his friend is quickly charging rushing with a yell " NO Albert!!"

Seeing the young lad approach and now within reach the veteran grabs his wrist and trips the boy sending him crashing to the floor on his stomach. Then quickly pouncing on him Kristin manhandles the boy to keep him down and he loosens the knife from the sheath on the boys belt and he draws it.

Punching the young mans face as he tried struggling Kristin grabs the man by his hair and holds his head up, there he presses the knife against the young soldiers throat and with a violent twitch. He slices the neck feeling the warm liquid spill on his hand and onto the sand below.

Standing and stained in blood Kristin drops the knife panting a bit more heavily now as he quickly turns to man the MG and in time too, reinforcements are advancing up the street. Quickly pulling the chamber lever back he lets it go hearing the lock and load sound of the Mg 42. Opening fire now the gun blazes and Kristin yells the rattle of his Mg louder then him by a slight margin.

Not planning on surrendering a inch of ground Kristin yells as he fires and Englishmen have began to drop rapidly the MG shredding into the advancing wave as the battle continues to rage around him.

Explosions are raining everywhere and the Germans have began to retreat the urban fighting picking up in violence rapidly escalating. With infantrymen approaching from behind a tank for cover Kristin yells, curses and is raising a riot when he sees a German soldier trying to run or if a British soldier escapes his bullets.

With the British infantrymen approaching from behind a tank using the lumbering metal monster for cover Kristin has to spray and pray with his mg. He's aiming for the view ports of the tank drivers in the front. However Kristin plans to hold this line to the death if need be, or getting captured seems a better option but for now he intends to hold this street as men are retreating around him.

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