Heat Wave

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Yo! I tried doing a little sprinkle of ecchi moments on this chapter and I must say that it was very hard to pull off considering how difficult it is for me to explain the ecchi moments correctly. Let me guys know if I manage to deliver it well or not.



Shion's streaming room


Shion: " Okay! *Clap**Clap*. We made it just in time! Pekora-san let's get to work!"

Pekora: "Let's do this Peko!" Pekora says as she gave my stomach one last smooch before hoping off me.

" Ahhhh... I feel a lot lighter now~" I say in a satisfied manner.

Shion: " Do we have the soda cans ready?"

Pekora: " Aye Peko! I have them right here!" she shows Shion 2 plastic bags containing a bunch of Soda Cans.

'Where the hell did those Soda Cans came from? I didn't see her holding them before.'

Inner me: ' Speaking of holding something, you're not holding what you were suppose to be holding anymore.'

' Huh? What do you mean?'

Inner me: ' I mean the Plushie dumbass'


I looked at both of my hands and realized that I'm not holding it anymore. Son of a bitch! I dropped it when I took the mighty slap!'

Inner me: ' We should go back and look for it. It was the Plushie of the beautiful girl we met at the airport!'

' And I paid 5k yen for that too!'

" Uhhh girls... Is it okay if I go outside an-"

Shion: "No." she quickly shuts me down without even looking at me.

" B-but It'll just be quic-"

Shion: " I said no. You're not leaving this room until we're done streaming." She shuts me down again.

" I don't even know why I'm here to begin with!" I protest.

Shion: " You're here to keep us company. So you just sit there and watch us work." She sits down on her chair and faces her computer.

Pekora: " Indeed peko. I want Y/N-kun to see how good of a streamer Pekora is!" Pekora sits down on her chair as well.

" *Sigh* I don't really have much of a choice now do I?"

I lean back on the wall to rest. As I did, I noticed that this streaming room has one of those sound cancelling foams that cancels some of the noises made from this room.

 As I did, I noticed that this streaming room has one of those sound cancelling foams that cancels some of the noises made from this room

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