Dormant Emotion

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Hello! So we're finally here at the final sequence of the story. For the reader's sake, I will not prolong this arc for more than 6 chapters. This story is already one of the longest Hololive fics out there lol.



Amelia Watson's office.

We have our eyes on the one and only Amelia Watson. The atmosphere around her is quite ominous... She's currently working on something on her desk. She's serious and determined.

???: " Amelia Watson..."

The white figure we saw before entered her office from nowhere. She eyes on Amelia, confused.

Watson: " You didn't have to mention my full name, that's creepy." She says as she continues to work.

???: " So it finally began, yes? Our final battle with that man."

Watson: " Stop treating it as if he's our enemy. Don't you feel bad about him? He's been through a lot just because of us."

???: " Confused. Why would you feel pity towards the culprit?" She tilts her head.

Watson: " *Sigh* Forget it." She rolls her eyes. " Not like it matters at this point.

She began carefully mixing fluids inside a test tube.



???: " What do you think he'll do for the next one month? Are you certain that he wouldn't put anyone into danger?"

Watson: " No, everyone changed from the 2 months of him being missing. Now that he's back, I can see him giving closure to each of the girls who had lingering feelings towards him."

???: " And then what?"

Watson: " I don't know, fix his relationship with Aqua-senpai? He's probably gonna open his dormant emotion towards her, considering how much he loved her in the past timelines.... OOOIIIII!! Why am I saying all these to a Soulless being?!" She loses focus on what she's working on.

The white figure continues to eye on Amelia without showing any form of emotion. She doesn't say anything for a minute, but Amelia didn't mind the silence so she continued to work on the drug she was making.

???: " He will choose her...? Is that what you're saying?"

Amelia stopped what she was doing. She slowly lets go of the tube as she closed her eyes, leaning back to her chair at the same time.

Watson: " It won't matter who he'll choose anymore, yeah? We're removing everyone's memories of him."

???: " What if he'll regain his lost memories of her? That will make things harder for us."

Watson: " It's not possible for him to regain his lost memories anymore. This isn't just some fairy tale where the heroin recovers his memory of the person he loves at the end of the story."




???: " Then why... Why are you still desperately trying to make a drug...?"

She paused.

???: " You're not done with him, aren't you? You're still plotting something behind everyone's back."

Watson: " It doesn't matter if I'm still plotting something. Everything will end the same. Do you think I'd still risk ruining this timeline?"

???: " You really do confuse me..."

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