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Hey mennnnn how is your day? It's unbearably hot at the moment so it's gonna be a pain having sweaty fingers while writing. Yeah... My hand is already sweating... This is gonna take a while to finish writing...





Inner me: ' Getting hungry aren't ya?'

' Yeah, it's already noon after all. I can't go and eat until Aqua is done streaming though.'

Aqua is currently streaming at the moment so there's nothing much I can do other than wait for her to finish. I'm guessing she's also going to be hungry so maybe I should invite her to eat in the cafeteria with me.

Inner me: ' You think this place has a cafeteria?'

' Breh they had a jail and a courtroom, there's no way they wouldn't have a basic place such as a cafeteria.'

Inner me: ' Do you think they have a strip club in this building?'

' It's a good idea that I manage to make 2 Bento boxes on the way to work. I'm gonna give the other one to Aqua. Speaking of which, looks like she just finished streaming.'

I've been watching Aqua's stream on my phone the whole time. She's been playing Apex for 2 hours now and looks like she's about to call it quits for today. It doesn't look like she managed to reach her goal of reaching a rank though.


*Knock knock*

Aqua: " Come in!"

I open the door to Aqua's streaming room. Seeing the inside made me notice that her streaming room looks exactly the same as Shion's, I guess they aren't allowed to alter the decoration in the streaming rooms.

" Yo! Good work for today!"

Aqua is sitting on her chair with her computer turned off. She then turns around from her computer to focus her attention to me.

Aqua: " Thanks hehe. Were you watching me the whole time?" she says while playing with her hair.

" Of course! It's the least I could do!"

Aqua: " I see... That makes me happy..." She forms a satisfied smile.

" Are you hungry? We can go and have lunch together."

Aqua: " O-Okay... I guess we could eat together in the cafeteria." she says while still playing with her hair.

' Told ya they have a cafeteria.'

Inner me: ' Try asking her about the strip club.'

" Perfect!"

I brought out my bag of Bento on my bag and showed it to Aqua.

" I made 2 Bentos. Let's eat them both together."

Aqua: " You made a Bento just for me??"

' To be honest, I was gonna eat both for myself but I wanna look cool infront of her so there's no way I'm saying that.'

" Exactly! Made them just for you!" I smile like a creep.

Aqua: " T-Thank you... You didn't have to go that far though." Aqua looks away.

" I can make you Bentos everyday if you want."

Aqua: " N-No it's okay. You don't have to work yourself too hard just for me." She looks at me and smiled.

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