The Runaway

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Cut to an isolated area somewhere in the vicinity of Fire Fountain Village,
Toph and Katara face each other, apparently about to engage in combat. Aang stands up between them, tying his headband around his eyes for a blindfold.)

Aang: Ok, I'm ready for some training!

(He assumes a fighting stance and stomps on the ground with one foot. Immediately the screen switches to Toph Vision and we see concentric circles radiating out from the impact of Aang's foot: Toph is instructing him in her ability to "see" via earthbending. She bends several columns of rock in his way and he dodges them with ease. Katara attacks with a water whip and Aang evades this as well, recoiling it back onto her and simultaneously hurling a boulder at Toph. Toph catches it on the end of her fist.)

Toph: Good job, twinkle-toes. Visualize - then attack!

(She propels the boulder back towards Aang, who corkscrews into the ground to avoid it. The boulder, obeying Newton's first law, continues on its trajectory and collides with Katara's chest, bowling her over.)

Katara: (angrily) Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph.
Toph: (obnoxiously) What's the matter? Can't handle some dirt, Madame Fussy Britches?

(Katara drenches Toph with a wave.)

Katara: Oh, sorry, did I splash you, mud slug?

(Furious, they career towards each other on ramps of rock and ice, respectively, collide, and fall to the ground with shrieks of rage.)

Aang: (still blindfolded) Are we taking a break?

(Cut to Sokka, with an evil grin on his face. He rushes towards Aang from
behind, yelling.)

Sokka: Yaaaaaah, sneak attack!

(Aang bends a column of rock in his path, then removes the blindfold.)

Aang: Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud.

Ben: he's got a point y'know

(Cut to Katara and Toph, wrestling in a pool of mud.)

Toph: Hungry for a mud pie?

(She kicks mud in Katara's face.)

Katara: I'll give you a mud pie.

(She mudbends Toph to the ground. Toph springs back up and earthbends Katara into the air. They are about to go at it again when they are interrupted by Aang.)

Aang: Uh, guys, I thought we were supposed to be training me.

Katara: (salvaging what dignity she can) Very well, pupil. I believe we've had enough training for today.

(Katara walks away.)

Toph: (derisively) While Katara cleans up, let's go have some fun!

Ben: sweet
Sokka and Aang: Yes! Yeah!

(Ben, Aang, Sokka, and Toph are strolling down the street. Messenger hawks are continually flying about, and Sokka takes notice of them.)

Sokka: Look at all those messenger hawks. You know, I've been thinking about getting one for myself. That way, I wouldn't have to talk to anyone... I could just send them messages!

Toph: (jokingly) I gotta say, I like the idea of not talking to you.

Aang: So, guys, what are we gonna get with our last silver piece?

Toph: We can get more money. 

Ben: How?

Toph: Right there. (She points to a street below, where a con man is fleecing a crowd of Fire Nation citizens with a shell game.) This is where you seeing people are at a disadvantage. Everyone guesses wrong because the dealer moves the rock at the last minute. But I can feel it with my earthbending.

(By this time the kids have descended and joined the crowd around the table. The con man spots the innocent-looking "blind" girl and decides she is an easy mark.)

Dealer: You there. Want to play a friendly game?

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