The Western Air Temple

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(The episode opens up to an overhead shot of Appa still in his armor and the rest of the group walking slowly on a rocky and barren land with the Sun blazing above their heads. Cut to a frontal shot of Toph with her head down, trudging along with Haru and Sokka walking behind her with their eyes closed.

Cut to Aang walking tiredly with Momo resting on his head with a similar expression. Cut to Ben walking tiredly along side Max and Gwen. Cut to a frontal shot of Teo wheeling his wheelchair with The Duke following behind him. Both of them are hanging their heads down dejectedly. Switch to a sideview shot of Katara walking beside her brother with the same expression as the rest of the group.)

Katara: This is humiliating.

Sokka: Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation, (Katara turns her head towards her brother) or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?

Katara: (She turns her head back) Both.

Aang: Sorry guys, but Appa (he stretches his hand out and affectionately scratches the area under Appa's eye) gets tired carrying all these people.

Ben: I understand

Gwen: But, just be glad we're all in one piece

(Cut to a frontal shot of the whole group)

Teo: I wonder how the rest of the troops are.

Haru: (Cut to a close up shot of Haru's face) They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my dad just got out, now he's going back in.

(Cut to an overhead shot of Sokka and The Duke)

The Duke: I miss Pipsqueak.

Sokka: I miss not having blisters (Cut to an overhead shot behind Appa) on my feet.

(Cut to a close up of the rocky ground as Toph's foot stomps into screen. Cut to a close up of Toph with a relieved expression on her face.)

Toph: Hey, we're here. I can feel it.

(Camera pans out to show the group stopping near the edge of a cliff. The camera pans to the right to show a vast empty space filled with white mist in between the cliff they're standing on and the next.)

Katara :(off screen) Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked.

Aang: (off screen) No, (Cut back to Aang with Sokka in the background) she's right, (Sokka and Ben look up at Aang, stunned) we are here.

(Sokka looks around and brings up both his arms to show that he can't see anything. Cut to a frontal shot of the cliff with the group standing above it.)

Toph: Wow, (Camera slowly pans down to rows of rocky protrusions) it's amazing.

(Camera pans down further to show a multi-tiered structure of an upside down pagoda. Camera zooms out rapidly to show more upside down pagodas of the Western Air Temple with a couple of statues seemingly fixed into the cliffs.

Cut to a shot of an hour glass shaped fountain. Cut to Teo and The Duke looking up in wonder.)

Teo: It's so different from the Northern Air Temple. (Camera pans to a flight of stairs linking to a bridge) I wonder if there are any secret rooms.

Haru: (Haru runs into screen and waves a hand, beckoning the others to join him) Let's go check it out.

Ben: Hey Aang, What were the Other Air Temples Like?

Aang: What do you mean?

Ben: Y'know, Northern, Southern

(Aang's eyes widen)

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