The Library

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Sokka: (voice over) What's out here?

(Cut to a shot of the group from the front of Appa, Ben, Sokka, Toph, Katara and Momo standing behind Aang. Aang is holding a thin wooden flute in both hands.)

Toph: (kneels and places her palm on the ground) A lot actually. There's hundreds of little-

(Aang turns around and silences Toph.)

Aang: Shhh! I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise. Just watch.

(Cut to a close up of Aang as he places the flute to his lips and plays a note. The view cuts back to the front as a prairie dog emerges from a hole on Aang's right and sings the same note.)

Aang: (watching as the prairie dog descends back into the hole) Heheheha, yeah!

(Aang plays another note, and another prairie dog emerges from a hole close to the camera and sings the same note, just as the previous prairie dog had done. Aang smiles and raises his hands and the flute above his head.)

Aang: I'm putting an orchestra together.

(Cut to a close up of Sokka, looking disinterested.)

Sokka: Orchestra, huh? Well la dee da.

(Sokka gestures from side to side with his hands as he says the last few words. Cut to a shot of three holes in the ground. One after the other, a prairie dog emerges from a hole and each sings a note in descending order. They all descend back down their burrows as Momo leaps down the hole to the left. A moment later, his head emerges from the middle hole.

Cut to a wide shot showing the group and several more burrows. Aang plays more notes, and each time a different prairie dog emerges from one of the burrows and matches it. Katara laughs as she watches Momo chase after each prairie dog. Cut to a shot of Aang as he is playing a note. Sokka runs up to Aang and plugs his finger into the other end of the flute, muffling the sound and causing Aang's cheeks to swell with air.)

Sokka: This is great and all, but don't we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans.

(Sokka unplugs his finger and stands up straight, gesturing to his sides with open palms. Cut to a shot of Toph and Katara.)

Toph: We did make plans. We're all picking mini-vacations.

Sokka: There's no time for vacations.

Ben: Sokka, Don't blow a gasket

Toph: What's a gasket

Ben: Y'know, Somthing you put in a car

Katara: What's a car

Ben: (Sighs)

Aang: (Looking up at Sokka) I'm learning the elements as fast as I can. (Cut to a close up of Aang.) I practice hard everyday with Toph and Katara. I've been training my arrows off.

(Cut back to the group shot. Katara walks forward a few steps.)

Katara: Yeah. What's wrong with having a little fun in our downtime?

Ben: Katara's right, we should just take it easy

Sokka: (crossing his arms) Even if you do master all of the elements, then what? It's not like we have a map of the fire nation. Should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lord's house? (mimics the action of knocking on a door, accompanied by the sound effect) Knock, knock! Hello, Fire Lord? Anybody home? (Humorous background music plays as Sokka says this. He leans towards Aang, closing his fists and dropping them to his sides) I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're gonna win this war.

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