Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters

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(Episode opens up to the outside of the Earth Kingdom tavern at night. Cut to inside the tavern as the group look at June kicking an empty seat into a comfortable position before sitting down and taking a sip from her cup.)

Sokka: Hey, I remember her. She helped you attack us!
Zuko: Yup, back in the good old days. (Zuko walks off screen. Cut to a wide shot of the table as the group walks towards June.)
June: Oh great, (refilling her cup) it's Prince Pouty. Where's your creepy grandpa?
Zuko: He's my Uncle, and he's not here.
June: (looking at Zuko and Katara and smirking) I see you worked things out with your girlfriend.

(Both Zuko and Katara blush with sweat drop expressions on their faces and protest simultaneously.)

Katara: I'm not his girlfriend!
Zuko: She's not my girlfriend!
June: Okay, okay, (puts a hand out) sheesh. I was only teasing. So what you want?
Zuko: I need your help finding the Avatar.
June: Hmph. Doesn't sound too fun. (She takes another drink from her cup while Zuko gets riled up)
Zuko: (He steps closer to June in a slight outburst) Does the end of the World (June pauses and stares at Zuko) sound like more fun?

(Cut to outside the tavern where Appa and June's shirshu are growling aggressively at each other. Appa then licks the shirshu's face and both of them quiet down. The shirshu turns towards the camera. Cut to June and the group walking towards them.)

June: (lifting up a piece of meat and cajoling) Nyla... (She throws the meat off screen. Cut to Nyla who catches the meat in a gulp. June comes into screen and affectionately strokes her shirshu) Who's my little snuffly wuffly. (Nyla suddenly shoots out her tongue and June steps back) Whoa! (She gently presses down on Nyla's nose to close her mouth) Careful there. Okay, (gesturing to the group) whose got something with the Avatar's scent on it. (Cut to Ben reaching into Appa's saddle)

Ben: We have Aang's staff, will that work?

(Cut to June who offers the staff in front of Nyla's snout as she sniffs it. Cut to a side shot of the group as Nyla proceeds to sniff and walk around them while the group follows her movements. Cut to an overhead shot of the group as Nyla continues circling around them and sniffing out Aang's scent. Nyla makes one last round before walking back in front of June and lowering herself on the ground and rubbing her snout with her paws.)

Zuko: (Crossing his arms as Ben, Katara and Toph look on puzzled behind him) Well, what does that mean?
June: It means your friend's gone.
Toph: We know he's gone, that's why we're trying to find him.
June: (Cut to the back of June's head as she stands up) No, I mean he's gone gone. (She turns back to the group suddenly) He doesn't exist.

(Cut to the group as they first look puzzled and then worried.

Cut to the forested area in the middle of the water seen in the previous episode. Cut to a squirrel creature trying to crack open a nut on a branch as Momo suddenly jumps in and causes it to drop its nut in fright. Momo then chases the creature around the thick, fat branch. Camera pans to the right to show Aang walking below the branch and looking around.)

Aang: Where are we, Momo? (Cut to Aang's point of view as he looks up at the Sun shining through the canopy. A family of dragonflies fly by. Camera pans down to a fallen log.) Maybe I'm in the Spirit World (Cut to Aang walking under the log still looking up at the canopy) But wait, (Momo crawls onto the log behind him) you can see me. We can both (Cut to a close up of Momo as it stares at Aang curiously) be in the Spirit World. (Aang waves his arms around and airbends a huge gust of air) Nope, (he looks at his hands) my bending works. (Momo jumps on Aang's shoulder and curls its tail around his neck) Maybe if we climb (Camera pans up a slope) to the top of the island we could figure out where we are.

(Cut back to an exasperated Sokka)

Sokka: What do you mean Aang doesn't exist? (Camera zooms out to a full shot of the group and June with her shirshu) Do you mean he's... you know, dead?

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