The Chase

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(Episode opens with a shot of the sun setting over a range of hills that have trees and a creek spread out before it. The camera tilts down to show Appa and the gang, now including Toph, sitting in what looks like a dried up section the creek. There is a bunch of white fur around Appa's feet. Cut to a shot of Appa from his right side at an angle so his back is closest and his head is furthest. Aang sits in the basket and is passing a sleeping bag down to Sokka and Ben. Katara walks around Appa's head to the same side. Toph appears from the left and is closest to the camera.)

Toph: Hey, you guys picked a great campsite. (cut to a shot of Toph's feet in the pile of white fur) The grass is so soft.

(Cut to a shot that shows the full of Appa from his right side showing all four of them.)

Sokka: That's not grass. Appa's shedding.

Katara: (Lifting her right foot out of the fur and balancing on her left) Oh, gross!

Aang: That's not gross; it's just a part of spring.

(Shot cuts to Aang atop Appa as a light melodious tone plays softly. A blue bird lands gracefully on his head and a yellow butterfly flutters by his right ear which Momo jumps up in an attempt to snatch.)

Aang: You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat!

(Cut to a shot of Appa's head, Katara stands to its left.)

Katara: Ah, the beauty of spring. (Appa, who sticks his tongue out to reveal it's covered in fur, sneezes, blowing fur everywhere.) Stop, Appa, stop!

(She coughs, and waves her arms to stop Appa from covering her in hair even more. Shot pans over to Sokka who is kneeling and rubbing fur on his head.)

Sokka: It's not that bad, Katara. (He stands to reveal he has piled the fur on his head to form a tall pillar of hair in a very Marge Simpson like fashion.) It makes a great wig!

Aang: (Dropping into the shot from atop Appa, he has arranged the fur on his face to form a large mustache and beard.) And a great beard!

(Sokka and Aang point and laugh at each other. Shot changes to Katara who is not smiling and begins to whip the fur off her sleeve.)

Katara: (unamused) I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group because you two are disgusting.

(Cut back to Aang and Sokka who are both slightly hunched with one arm over the other's shoulder.)

Toph: Excuse me, (She walks in between the two breaking them apar.) does anyone have a razor... (She lifts both arms to reveal a mass of white fur emerging out of both of her sleeves, under her arms) ...because I've got some hairy pits!

Ben: Hey Guys anyone got shampoo? (Rubs Appas fur out of his hair) (Jokingly) Cuz I got a major case of dandruff

(All four of them laugh until Aang gives one of his powerful airbending sneezes, thrusting him backwards into Appa's leg and then falling face down on the ground. He lifts his head to reveal his beard and mustache are gone but he now has a large mass of fur sticking jaggedly up on his back. All four begin laughing again. Cut to Katara who at first looks disgusted, but quickly joins in the laughter.

Fade into a shot of the same setting at night where Aang, Sokka, and Katara are setting up camp. Sokka is carrying some firewood, Aang, with a blast of air, sets up the tent, and Katara is swirling some water in a large pot and Ben Uses Heatblast to Light the firewood. They all eventually stop and look o.c. Shot cuts to show Toph laying lazily against a rock with her legs crossed, arms behind her head, and a piece of straw casually hanging from her mouth. Cut back to a close up of Katara at her pot who looks slightly annoyed and stands up. Shot changes to a view from behind Toph's head. Katara enters the shot in front of Toph.)

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