The Boiling Rock, Part 2

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(The episode opens up to an overhead shot of the Boiling Rock. Cut to an area in the boiling water looking at the pentagonal perimeter. Cut to the Warden walking.)

Guard: Line them up for the Warden!

(Cut to an area behind the Warden, giving an overhead view of the scene. Guards surround the perimeter and the prisoners file in one by one into a straight line. Cut to the end of the line as the last few prisoners walk in. Hakoda's hair braid falls into screen. Camera zooms out to show Hakoda's face. Cut to Sokka running to the scene and pulling up his visor.)

Sokka: Dad. (He rushes from the stairs and nudges some guards aside) Excuse me, coming through. The Warden wants me over there (points) sorry.

(Cut to show Sokka standing behind a line of guards taller than him who are near the prisoners. The warden walks towards the prisoners.)

Warden: Welcome to The Boiling Rock. I'm sure (Cut to a side view of the warden as he walks down the line) you've all heard the horrible rumors about our little island. Well I just want to tell you that they don't have to be true. As long as you (stops in front of Hakoda who is looking down) do everything I say. Look me (closes in on Hakoda's face) in the eye when I'm talking to you.

Hakoda: (His eyes looks to the side) No.

Warden: (Cut to an area behind Hakoda) Oh, you'd rather look at my shoes? Then take a look!

(He uses his foot and pulls down Hakoda's handcuff to the floor. Cut to the side view to show Hakoda in a kneeling position. Cut to Sokka who gapes in surprise. Cut to an area below Hakoda's angry face as the warden's boot remains on his handcuff.)

Warden: I know exactly who you are, Hakoda of the Water Tribe. So strong willed. But don't worry, (Cut to the warden's face as it zooms out slowly) we'll get rid of that in time. Now look me in the eye.

(Cut to show Hakoda lifting his head up with hate.)

Warden: See? Isn't that better. You will (looks to the other prisoners) all do as I say or pay the price. (starts to walk off) You will all...

(Hakoda tilts his handcuffs as the warden's boot get caught in them and he loses his balance. Cut to show Sokka snickering as the guards in front of him rush to the warden's aid.

2 guards run to the warden as he and Hakoda stand up on their own)

Guard: Are you okay, Sir?

Warden: (lashes out) I'm fine! Get these prisoners out of my sight!

(Cut to the area where Sokka's standing at as he sees the prisoners being directed down a flight of stairs. He turns and walks off screen. Cut back to the prisoners housing area. Cut to an overhead view of a cell with Hakoda sitting on a mattress. The door opens. Cut to Hakoda's head as he looks up. The light on his face diminishes as the door closes. Cut to a side view of the scene.)

Sokka: Thank goodness you're okay. (walks towards his Father)

Hakoda: (stands up on the mattress rapidly with his fist out in an attacking position) If you take one step closer you'll (Cut to an area behind Sokka's shoulder to show Hakoda looking very serious) see just how okay I am.

Sokka: (lifts his visor) Dad, it's me. (points to self)

Hakoda: (lowers his arm and tears up) Sokka, my son.

(Sokka removes his helmet and drops it on the floor as they hug. They part after a few seconds.)

Hakoda: You know Sokka, you should be more careful with that guard outfit on. I almost punched you in the gut.

Sokka: Yeah, (rubs his neck) I ran into that problem earlier.

(Ben Runs up to Sokka)

Ben: (Panting) Dude.. Don't run off.. So fast

Hakoda: Ben, Hello

Ben: Hey, Mr. Hakoda

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