Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno

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(The episode opens with an overhead shot from high up as Sozin's Comet streaks over the ground, its red energy destroying the clouds in its path. Cut to a close up of the comet from the front. Cut to a shot of Appa flying in the air. Cut to a closer shot of Zuko and Katara riding on top.)

Katara: Zuko, don't worry, we can take Azula.

Ben: Yeah, so what's the big deal?

Zuko: I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my Father? What if he loses?

Katara: Aang won't lose. He's gonna come back. He has to.

Ben: (Whispers) Okay,  Choose my new alien, clone myself, hit the base of my omnitrix, I can do this, Here goes nothing

(Ben Dials up and turns into his new Alien)

(Ben Dials up and turns into his new Alien)

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Katara: What can this one do?

???: Well from what Azmuth said Cloning and something about sonar, Hmm, I wonder

(The New Alien releases a super sonic scream in the form of sonar)

Zuko: Hey, Careful 

Echo Echo: Call me, Echo Echo, Now then

(Ben clones himself and and both Ben and his clone reach the face of the omnitrix and turn back into Ben)

Ben: Hey I'm me again

Katara: Uh, Ben?

Ben: What, Why is everyone looking at me funny

(Ben looks beside him and sees and identical clone of himself)

Ben: It worked, Okay You can help Katara and Zuko take down Azula, and I can help the rest with the airships

Ben Clone: Got it

(The real Ben jumps off Appa, turns into Stinkfly and zooms towards Toph, Sokka and Suki)

(Zuko looks forward as the scene fades to a shot of the Fire Nation palace. Cut to a shot of Azula's hair being combed from the back. Cut to a shot of Azula's heel being scrubbed. Cut to a wider shot showing three servant girls grooming Azula, and one other kneeling and holding a bowl of cherries up to her. Azula takes a cherry and begins to chew it. The camera cuts to a close up of her. It then zooms in as a crunching noise is heard and Azula opens her eyes in surprise. Azula spits the pit of the cherry into her palm and shows it to the servant girl serving the cherries.)

Azula: (sternly) What am I holding?

Servant Girl: (quietly) A cherry pit, Princess.

Azula: Correct. And what day is this?

Servant Girl: It is the day of your coronation.

Azula: Yes, it is. So please, tell me why on the most important day of my life you decided to leave a pit in my cherry? (Glares at the pit between her fingers and throws it at the servant girl's head)

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