The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion

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(The episode opens up to a crescent-shaped port on the island previously seen on >Nightmares and Daydreams. Cut to a shot of 3 maps overlapping one another, 2 of them are maps of the Fire Nation while the other is a map of the World. Cut to a shot of Sokka in his Water Tribe gear studying the maps with intense concentration and wiping perspiration off his forehead. A hand wearing wrist guards holding a cup appears on screen in front of Sokka and proceeds to place the cup into his hands. Camera zooms out to reveal Katara being the owner of the hand and she's donned Water Tribe gear as well. Ben is using the omnitrix to cycle between Aliens and practice new types of fighting styles. Appa is seen sleeping in the background while Toph is resting on a nearby rock in her Season 2 outfit with Momo resting at her feet. Aang jumps out and lands beside her.)

Aang: (Momo scurries to his shoulder) Top of the morning, Momo!

Katara: Sounds like you slept well.

Aang: Like a baby mooselion. I'm ready (in an attacking position) to face the Fire Lord.

Toph: So what's your strategy for taking him down? Going to get your glow on (her fingers flutter in front of her eyes) and hit him (punches the air repeatedly) with a little Avatar State action?

(Cut to a close-up shot of Aang looking down dejectedly)

Aang: I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my 7th chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe.

Ben: Then that means were gonna need all that we can get

Toph: You know what I just? heard Blah blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah blah something about Space.

(Camera pans out to reveal something foggy near the horizon)

Katara: Oh no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?

Sokka: No, that is the invasion.

(Cut to the camera revealing 5 Water Tribe ships appearing out of the fog. Cut to Hakoda peering through a telescope with Bato standing beside him. Both are wearing Water Tribe warrior armor.

Cut to a shot of Aang and Toph at the port, earthbending some docks. Camera pans out to reveal an aerial view of the ships docking. Cut to Katara and Sokka running towards their father with Katara proceeding to embrace him. )

Katara: You made it Dad!

Sokka: Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?

Hakoda: I did. But I'm a little worried, Sokka. (Looks behind at Due and Tho who are descending from the ship) Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type.

Due: (Excited and full of energy) Whooo-wheee. This place ain't

nothing like a swamp. (Points to a rock) What'd you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of exploding Fire Nation exploding trap that would eat ya?

Tho: It's just a rock, Due.

Due: Well, I'll be.

Hakoda: (skeptical) Is it just me, or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf head?

Bato: I just wish they would wear pants.

(Cut to Hue scratching his abdomen)

Hue: Pants are an illusion and so is death.

(Cut back to Hakoda, Bato, Katara who have confused and worried looks on their faces. Only Sokka is smiling widely. Camera fades out and reveals Katara, Aang, Toph and some swampbenders standing at the docks.)

Haru: (off screen) Hi, Katara. (Cut to a shot revealing Haru's face. He has grown some facial hair.)

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