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The weeks after the vicious attack were strangely uneventful

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The weeks after the vicious attack were strangely uneventful.

It was as if they were hiding, waiting for their next slip up. 

However, the couple had chosen to spend their days together in Milo's room, understanding that it would be safer than walking mindlessly around halls, open for another assault.

Both their injuries had healed up nicely, their faces, once heavily bruised, had now returned to their natural glow.

But deep down they knew that they were just as vulnerable outside than in the comfort of his room.

Nonetheless, today was a day of celebration.

Today was the day Milo turned eighteen years old.

Due to the special day, Sam and Tim had taken it upon themselves to make an improvised visit to the young man's room, baring sweet blessings.

He opened the door to see their smiling faces, seemingly more excited for his ageing than Milo himself.

"Hey birthday boy!", Sam shouted, happy to see him.

She waved her edible gifts in front of him.

"Happy birthday dude!", Tim wished, joyfully throwing his arms around Milo, giving him a friendly hug.

Milo laughed at their enthusiasm and invited them in.

The duo noticed Bonnie's presence but didn't question it, only throwing a knowing glance her way, causing her cheeks to become rosy.

The group sat on the floor in a tight circle, the vanilla cake, adorned with a variety of fruit, sitting in the middle.

Tim was sat next to Milo with Sam and Bonnie sitting across from them.

Tim, Sam and Bonnie fiddled with the placement and lighting of candles which spelt out 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' with the number 18 in between the words.

They all began to sing the traditional birthday song cheerfully, leaving Milo to awkwardly sit and listen laughing at the occasional flat notes and silly voices.

After the song was completed, Milo leaned forward and blew out the candles in one big breath, his friends clapping and cheering as he did.

"Thank you guys", Milo said, thankful for their effort.

They proceeded to cut and share the cake among themselves, laughing with one another as they ate.

"Now!", Sam exclaimed, clapping her hands, "It's time for the presents!"

Sam was the first to hand over her wrapped gift, looking at Milo in anticipation.

Slowly, he unwrapped it.

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