Phil Foden - step mummy

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originally from tumblr
warnings: slight mention of smut but nothing serious
includes: just pure fluff

The day had finally arrived. The day you would be meeting Ronnie for the first time.

You had always loved children and getting to meet Phil's child was obviously a big step in your relationship.

You let yourself in the house as you had a spare key.
'Hello anyone here?' you questioned as the house seemed pretty quite for a household that accommodated a toddler and your man child of a boyfriend.

All of sudden you felt two small hands grab your legs from behind and a small giggle echo around the room. You looked down to see Ronnie giggling away at your clearly shocked expression from the shock you had received.

'You scared me Ron! I wonder who put you up to this hm' you dropped down to reach his level and scooped him into your arms.

'Let's go find dada ok?' He just nodded vigorously, obviously missing his father. After searching his house for a while you found him in the garden. 'There you are been looking all over for you'

'I see he's took a liking to you already then' Phil smirked as he took in the sight of you holding his child in your arms with a massive grin on your face.

'I don't know about that yet but he sure is adorable' You put him back down on the ground to let him run freely.

'You look good holding my child, might just have to fill you up with our own' phil said cockily.

'Oh my god phil not in front of him and anyways more importantly i'm pretty sure Ron is hungry, i heard his belly rumble earlier'

'You wanna get ice cream buddy from the shop?' Phil asked Ronnie.

'Yes! Can mama come too?'

'Mama isn't here right night you'll see her next week okay buddy?'

'She is here? Look there' Ronnie pointed straight at you.

'I told you he has taken a liking to you already' Phil whispered whilst smirking at you.

You were still in shock that he had called you mama after only knowing him for a few hours but you had to admit it made your heart burst with joy.

'Of course she can come buddy.' Eventually Phil explained that you weren't his real mummy but his step mummy and Ronnie was happy with whatever as long as he got to see you as much as possible.

'Back to what i was saying earlier i do really want us to have a kid together too' Phil admitted timidly.

'Really? Well i suppose we can try? Is this something you really want?'

'Of course it is, getting to see my girlfriend glowing whilst carrying our baby is everything i've ever wanted' Replied Phil.

You lean in to kiss him as his words made you the happiest you had been in a while but were interrupted by a wail from in front.

'Hurry up! daddy stop kissing my step mummy! I want ice cream noww' Ronnie moaned.

You had finally found happiness. You couldn't wait to continue your life with Phil, now Ronnie and potentially a few of your own children in the future.

word count - 500

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