Mason Mount - Brothers teammate

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originally from my tumblr
warnings: none
includes: some fluff

You had been watching Chelsea play since you were a little kid, so when your brother Christian Pulisic moved to play with the blues your dreams all seemed to come true.

Now you were seated in stamford bridge stadium cheering on Christian as he dominated the pitch.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see a young guy preparing to be subbed on and you instantly recognised him as Mason Mount.

You couldn't lie and say you didn't find him attractive because you did but your brother had firmly confirmed that his teammates were off limits.

That didn't mean you couldn't watch and admire him from afar.

After the match had finished, with Chelsea winning 2-1, they decided to go out for a team meal to celebrate and your brother had invited you.

This would be your first time meeting his teammates and you were extremely nervous.

'They are gonna hate me Chris' you blurted out anxiously.

'No they are not y/n they'll love you i promise' He took your hand is his for support.

You entered a restaurant and walked towards a table full of young lads talking amongst themselves until they noticed you both.

'Oi look Chris went and got himself a girlfriend' 'i mean fair play mate shes well hot' 'how did you pull her then' Those were the comments thrown around by the players as you stood infront of them.

At this point you could tell your brother was fuming as his grip tightened on your hand.

'This here is y/n and for your information she is my sister. My little sister' Chris corrected them.

'Oh shit sorry my bad' Ben said as he was the one to make the first assumption.

You took the only free seat available and looked to your right to see you had been seated next to none other than Mason Mount.

Could things get any worse for you.

'Hello it's nice to meet you, I'm Mason by the way!' He greeted you with a quick hug.

'Ah thanks and yes i kinda knew that already' you admitted.

'Oh you did? Are you a fan? I thought i heard Chris say you didn't know any of his teammates'

'Well i only know you cause i noticed you' you said timidly as you looked towards the ground.

'You noticed me huh?' Mason smirked.

You didn't respond and just carried on with your meal as if nothing had happened.

Later that evening you said goodbye to Christians teammates until Mason came up behind you and whispered in your ear.

'Come back to mine tomorrow night.'

You really wanted to but you knew your brother would kill you and Mason if you went through with it.

'My brother would kill me'

'well if he doesn't know about it then he won't kill us will he?'

It was a great offer but would you go through with it knowing how your brother would react?

word count: 480

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