Mason Mount - Brothers teammate pt2

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read part one if you haven't already!!
originally from my tumblr - @slutforbenchilwell
warnings: slight mature language
includes: mature language, some fluff, smutish language (not really tho)

Tonight you were going to see Mason. You knew it was risky but your brother wasn't going to stop you.

You had told him you were going to see a few old friends from America currently staying not that far away.

Of course that was a lie.

You had changed in to a new outfit, had a shower and prepared yourself mentally for the events that tonight may lead to.

'Chris i'm about to leave i'll see you tomorrow morning cause i'll probably be staying over with the girls' you shouted to him.

'Okay stay safe y/n have a good night'

Oh you will.

You stood at Masons door, your heartbeat speeding up as you knocked three times like he had told you.

'Hello glad to see you accepted my offer' Mason greeted you with a smirk.

'Yeah well you should be, if my brother knew i was here he'd kill both me and you' you complained.

'Well he doesn't know and he won't find out as long as you don't snitch'

'Of course i won't snitch, remember i'm saving not just your ass but mine too' you reminded him.

Mason just stood there his eyes glancing up and down your body, checking you out whilst a smirk hung from his lips.

'Like what you see huh?' you mocked him getting slightly too cocky.

'Yeah i do actually' he replied nonchalantly.

You sat stunned by his confidence not expecting him to just come out and say it.

As you were still stunned Mason approached you and his tall figure now hovering over you.

He looked straight into your eyes then whispered in something in your ear.

'I want to fuck you.'

You couldn't believe the words that escaped his mouth but still you kept a smirk on your face as you wanted the same.

'Do it then'

With those words of encouragement Mason was straight on you, kissing down your jaw and lifting your top off at the same time.

'You are so fucking sexy'

He reached round you to unclip your bra but the door slammed open stopping him in his tracks.

'What the fuck is going on here?!'


It was Christian.

You grabbed your top and shoved it quickly back on trying to keep your dignity but also your life knowing Christian was about to kill you any second.

'Is anyone gonna answer me? I said what the fuck is going on?' he repeated himself since not getting a response the first time.

'I was about to fuck your sister' Mason answered honestly.

But it was too honest.

That was it you thought, you were officially going to die.

Goodbye world.

'Y/n i thought i said my teammates were off limits but instead you try and fuck one of them' Christian moaned.

He hadn't killed you yet which was a positive.

'Well i can't help who i'm attracted to can i? I like him and he likes me so what's stopping us? Certainly not you. How would you feel if i did the same with a girl you liked huh?' You proudly stood up for yourself.

Christian stood shocked at your outburst.

'I suppose you're right but you are certainly not having sex with him after knowing him for one day. He will take you on a couple dates then you can do whatever the fuck you want if they go well ok? deal?'

He negotiated with the pair hoping to stop them from potentially creating a baby so soon knowing the recklessness of them both.

You and Mason looked at one another both smirking knowing you'd gladly take the deal over being killed by him.

'Deal' you both answered at the same time.

After a couple weeks you were on your 4th date and Christian could see you two were still going strong.

He was happy for you and Mason to do whatever you two wanted after you had spent more time together.

So of course the first thing you did after getting christians blessing was consumate the start of your relationship in every room you could.

It was definitely worth the wait ;)

word count: 690
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