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Halloween was tonight, and Brandi was not ready. One problem, Winter wouldn't calm down long enough for her to think. Second problem, how sketchy is her new job? Something had to be seriously wrong with Quiet Addiction or else she wouldn't have gotten the job so quickly. Maybe she was just over thinking everything but she could not get over the stomach dropping feeling that rest in her gut.

"Dude! Get back here!" Sarah shouted, giggling as the puppy tried to run from being put in a costume. Winter giggled watching this disaster take place.

The doorbell sounded and Brandi, in a Piglet costume, went and opened the door.  

"Trick or treat!" shouted two grown men in Tiger onesies.  

Alan and Austin stepped into the house with big grins on their faces. Alan walked over to where Sarah was and kissed her on the cheek, handing her a box of candy to hand out to kids. Austin wasted no time into scooping Winter up in his arms.

"This is a very adorable Winnie the Pooh costume," he said to Winter, "maybe your nick name should be Winnie." Winter squealed in delight at this, hugging her tiny arms tightly around his neck.

"Okay, love," B said, getting Winter handed over to her from Austin, "ready to go now?" Trick or treater's had already begun to go to a few houses and Brandi didn't want to take Winter out for too long.

Winter nodded her head, "Yes mum!"

Brandi got some more things collected together, like an extra sweater and another candy bag. She then, hauled Winter outside and was about to start on the first house when she first heard her name being called.  Brandi turned around and found that she was smiling to herself. Austin was joining them for this special occasion.  

He walked over to them with a skip in his step and a big goofy grin on is face.

"Ready Winnie?" he asked, ruffling her hair. She giggled as a response.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," he smirked, "let's go." Austin lead Winter by the hand and they rang the first doorbell.

"Trick or treat!" the two beamed at the lady who answered the door.

She look startled at first but then her expression softened, "Well my, my. It's my friends from Hundred Acre Wood!" she grabbed a handful of sweets and placed it into Winter's candy bag. "Here you go, Winnie, please share with Tiger!"

Winter grinned widely, "Tank you!"

Austin pattered her on the head, "Go to momma," then he turned to the friendly neighbor and said "Thank you."

"You have a beautiful family," she sighed kindly, "take care of them."

"Thank you. I'll do my best, my wife is beautiful, isn't she?" he chuckled and turned to look at Brandi. She looked up over to Austin and couldn't contain the smile on her face. He didn't know, but she could hear everything that was being said.

Austin and the lady exchanged a quick goodbye and he caught up with the rest of the family. From there they rang the second doorbell and then the third. Soon they had finished going around the block and Winter was rubbing her eyes.

"Is it  na' nights?" Brandi asked to Winter, picking her up and handing all the candy over to Austin who smiled deviously while he held it. Na' nights is what bedtime is and the Na sound is what Winter enjoys the most.

"No Austin, she likes to sit and count it the next morning, don't eat any," Brandi said.

He shot a surprised look at B,  "She can count up to three. She puts it in piles of three." she explained. He nodded, chuckling at the girls who were both rubbing their eyes.

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