Last Night in New York

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"Miss Winter Maya Rose!" Brandi Farrell, called out to her two year daughter. Brandi was getting ready to leave her small apartment in New York to escape all the craziness she went through in the past two years since Winter had entered this big, brand new world to explore. Brandi was in her freshman year of Uni when her best friend, Sarah,  introduced her to Winter's father, Dylan Carter. Everything was great with Dylan, he was a genuine guy who made Brandi laugh. But as soon as he found out about Winter, he rushed their relationship, and then soon was tired of his bride-to-be. He cheated on her and once Brandi found out, she left faster than a fangirl finding a sale on her fandom.

"Miss Winter!" Brandi called out again, walking into Winter's and her's old bedroom, to find the small child surveying her surroundings. "Winter, what are you even doing?" She asked, laughing at the toddler giggling at her mom.

"Momma, I'm sayin bye to my house," Winter explained, bending over to the wooden floor panels. "Bub bye floor, bub bye wolls."

"Winter, its walls, not wolls," Brandi said, sounding it out for the little girl. Winter just giggled at her mom and waddled out of room. Brandi got out Winter's jacket and boots to put her in. Suddenly, there was a loud shriek and Brandi raced out of her room, heart beating fast, thoughts pouring into her head. Is Dylan here to take her away? Did she fall over and hurt herself? What did she break now?

"Oh, annie, you silly!" Brandi heard Winter's little voice. Her heart slowed down as she realized it was just Sarah here to help get the baby out of the way and get boxes loaded up so they could get out of New York by tomorrow morning. Winter called Auntie Sarah, annie or annie Sa. They had both tried multiple times to pronounce it right for her, but Winter didn't listen. Or she didn't care. Brandi wasn't sure which one. They were very alike.

"Sarah, I'm so glad you're here,"Brandi sighed, hugging her friend and allowing herself to calm down.

"I wasn't gunna let you finish this alone," Sarah smiled, tucking her dark, neck length hair behind her slightly stretched ears. She only had them big enough to put a pencil through, no bigger. Brandi didn't have stretched ears, but they were pierced and suited her nicely.

Brandi and Sarah finished packing for the rest of the day, there wasn't too much to pack but by the time they were done, it was 5:00pm. Winter was napping and Sarah was heading out to meet Brandi and the little one for dinner at the Eataly. Brandi took this opportunity to shower and do her hair for the last night she would spend in New York City. She wore black skinny jeans and a lace tank top with a cardigan. Her long, dark hair was in loose waves and she had winged eyeliner. She was in the middle of putting her bright red lipstick on, when little pitter patter of feet scurried past the bathroom.

"Momma!" Winter cried out, panic and distraught seeping out of her voice. Hearing Winter panic broke Brandi's heart.

"I'm in the bathroom, baby!" She called out, and Winter ran to bathroom to see her mommy, finishing her makeup. Winter was sobbing when she ran to her mom and crashed straight in between her legs, hugging them tightly. If Brandi wasn't losing circulation from her jeans, she was losing it from this girls grip.

Brandi set everything done and picked up her little girl, bouncing her slightly. Winter's light brown curls bounced.

"Whats wrong, baby?" She asked in a soft, calm voice.

Winter didn't speak, she just cried. But deep down Brandi knew it because of Dylan. Winter lives in a constant fear of mommy leaving her alone, just like daddy. Winter has told her mom and auntie this countless times. Dylan hardly makes time to see Winter, and when he does his new girlfriends are always around. But why would he do that? It makes no sense to get your only daughter attached to every skank he's with. But he does and Brandi can't make him stop. She's tried before but he doesn't care enough to stop what he's doing to Winter.

Brandi got out a little outfit for Winter and got her dressed and dried her tears. Then, they left the apartment and got a taxi to the Eataly. The bright lights and big city made her sigh. This was her life and she was going to have to change it, do to her brand new city, brand new home, and brand new people. It was going to be an adventure, and one she's hoping to enjoy. New experiences and memories were approaching and she was going to have to accept that things can't continue in comfortably for every moment in life.

They stepped out of the yellow cab and walked into the Eataly and met up with Sarah whom was already sitting, an excited grin slapped on her face.

"Why so smiley?" Brandi asked.

"What isn't there to smile about?" Sarah laughed. Brandi laughed with her and asked for a highchair for Winter.

Once Brandi and her girl were seated they ordered red wine and Pasta Al Forno Al Ragù. But she just got juice and ravioli for the baby. Sarah and Brandi ate and laughed and talked about LA and what it's going to be like for themselves and for Winter.

"So," Brandi began to say "what's Alan like?" Sarah just laughed a bit.

"Well, he's very funny, and a complete drama queen. He's so easygoing and kind. Oh, and loud. Cannot forget how loud and silly and sweet Alan is."

Brandi nodded and smiled. She was truly happy for her. But there was some feeling inside her that she didn't know what to think of it. Sarah had a great boyfriend. And the boy that Sarah introduced Brandi to was a jerk and hurt her. It almost made Brandi jealous that she went through so much and didn't have a boy to make her as happy as Alan made Sarah.

"C'mon, lets get out of here," Sarah said once they finished, "I got the bill."

"Sare, no way, we're splitting it!" Brandi exclaimed.

"Dee, it's fine," Sarah smiled, using Brandi's old nickname, Dee.

She sighed in defeat. There was no use in arguing. Sarah was going to pay, regardless.

They left Eataly and got a cab to go to Time Square and admire for what could be, the last time. Passing city lights and watching the beautiful city pass by before their eyes was a great way to end the night. Winter loved Time Square and while driving past it, she kept giggling and pointing at the large, bright coloured signs.

Brandi soon dropped Winter off at Dylan's because he wanted to spend the night with her before she left, Dylan wouldn't get to see Winter for a month, the next long weekend, since Brandi was letting Winter go see him then.

The adults exchanged few words considering Brandi wasn't comfortable sitting next to a brunette that kept trying to make Winter like her by tickling and talking to her. This all ended with Winter crying into Brandi's arms, saying that she wanted to go home with Brandi. This however, only made her laugh and make sneer comments in her head. But she had to leave and kissed Winter on the top of her head and bid her goodbye's to Dylan and the other girl.

There was nothing good about Dylan, now knowing the real him. A lot of arguing about pointless things, and having to meet many different girlfriends that wouldn't last longer than a month. This thought was quite disappointing to Brandi, knowing that the only reason Dylan tried to stay with her so long was because of Winter. It was also shameful, because Brandi didn't mind that brunette on the couch this evening. She tried to make Winter like her, unlike all the other who just got frustrated whenever Winter spent the night with her dad. Probably mad that they couldn't get it on with him, she thought then laughed to herself.

She got home a little after 10pm and was never happier to fall asleep in her small, homey, apartment for the last time.

Hey lovelies! First fanfic! I'm so excited to write this! I can't wait to finish this and then show it to Brandi! She is so beautiful and funny and sarcastic. She loves OM&M and I'm suprising her by writing this. Please, leave comments what you think! Love you all and thanks for reading =)

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