Puking Gestures, Tattoo's and a Facebook Status?

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"C'mon Bran!" Sarah was desperately pleading for Brandi to go out and have dinner, and go 'clubbing.' Obviously she didn't want to go but it seemed like a good idea to Sarah. It didn't take that long before Sarah had dressed Brandi in a slimming back dress with her hair curled. Sare was spinning around in her tangerine coloured teacup dress. Her hair was in a simple ponytail and she was running around like a lunatic. This girl was way too hyper for it to be healthy.

"Don't worry, Phil is really responsible," Alan said, Sarah agreeing. If Sarah could trust this Phil guy, why couldn't she? She figured it would be easier to let Sarah get her way then try and get out of the 'best night ever.' Besides Phil seemed like a nice guy and everyone was reassuring her that they would trust Phil with their kids. He was just as happy to meet Brandi as he was to see Sarah again. It didn't happen too often that people weren't happy to see Sarah or hug her, since that was all she had been doing since they got here.

On the bright side of all this, Phil and Winter did hit off, they didn't have much furniture since the other truck is coming tomorrow, but this one had Winter's barbie house that she was making Phil play with. Brandi went up to Winter and gave her a hug. Holding her baby filled her happiness meter. She kissed the top of head and right when she was about to go through the door, Winter's voice chimed in saying, "Love you momma." Brandi blew baby one more kiss before Sarah tugged her wrist and pulled her through the door. Damn, she was persistent.

On the drive there, Sarah and Alan kept sending each other loving glances which was making Brandi make fake puking gestures. Austin saw her do this, but quickly turned away laughing to himself. Even though she heard him chuckle, she kept doing it. She was tired, or maybe just plain annoyed of seeing couples everywhere, now Sarah has Alan and the two will be sucking each others faces.

"You're kind of odd," Austin said to her, still laughing.

Brandi turned to him and began to say, "Well, you're kind of a little bi-" but Sarah had turned around to glare at her and the two in back seat were to busy laughing at each other to notice.

When they did arrive at the restaurant, Sarah made sure to give her a big flick on the forehead before the all sat down to order.The two best friends sat with each other in the booth, so Alan and Sarah were pretty much holding hands across the table chatting about the new cat Sarah wanted to get.

Brandi was sneaking peaks at Austin. The way his hair sat, his brown eyes, his goofy smile and the way you could still see his tattoo's under his see through dress shirt. How could he be so smiley to everyone? The waitress that had ordered our drinks? It shocked her he wasn't kissing every baby in the room.

She brought back into reality when she felt a shock on her wrist. Glancing at it, a man's huge hands were turning her wrist over. Austin was gazing at the tattoo that lay perfectly on her wrist. It was a bar-code, meaning she was labeled as one of a kind, since there was a random coloured stripe of purple on it. He looked up to meet her face and sent her a goofy smile. She sent a grin (most likely just as goofy) back to him.

"I like your rose tattoo," she said to him.

"Thanks, it was for my friend Mitch." Brandi nodded understandingly, having a tattoo from when her friend Daryl passed away. She got a Philippians saying, since he was from the Philippines. They continued on with a conversation, his hand still on her wrist, her not wanting to take his hand away.

"Touring is awesome!" Austin shouted with too much enthusiasm much later into a chat the two were enjoying.

Brandi, Sarah and Alan laughed at his awkward outburst. Alan made a sly comment, saying how you get used to it him being so loud,this caused him getting a smack in the ribs by Austin, who was still smiling. His face was honestly going to get stuck like that.

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