Out With the Old, In With the New

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Brandi woke up to the annoying buzz of an alarm clock. She was laying on hard flooring with a sleeping bag as her only mattress. She got herself up and cleaned  her bedding before calling the movers and getting organized. She then sighed and walked around her apartment for the very last time. She took in the wooden floors and dark walls then, before she started to cry, she left. Being in there for much longer would make her rethink this whole "moving out to LA for a fresh start" idea. But she couldn't back out now. Sarah and her had bought the house together. And this apartment she adored so much, belonged to someone else. That thought had made her choke up a little. She had raised Winter for the last two years here. Now, looking in the corner where they'd set up their Christmas tree, knowing the would never have another Christmas in here again, freaked her out.

Brandi left, feeling a sense of loss from leaving. Surly it's not as horrid as it could be, but it wasn't what she was used too. Whatever, she pushed the thought out of her head, I need this, Winter needs this. Out with the old, in with the new.

She stopped at Starbucks for coffee then made her way to Dylan's, anxious to find out what happened, if the other girl was still there, or if Winter was behaving herself. Knowing her little girl, she wasn't. Brandi soon found herself in front of his door, nervous to knock. But why was she? She knew Dylan's apartment inside and out. She reached for her phone, debating whether to text him that she was there, but realizing how stupid that was, she quickly knocked and hoped for the best.

She heard Winter squeal.

"Daddy, put me down!" she giggled. Brandi longed to hold Winter in her arms. Only being away for a night and missing her that much? God, Bran, she thought to herself. She knocked again.

The second knock worked, there was silence and shuffling and the sound of the deadbolt unlocking. The door opened and the brunette was standing there in sweatpants and baggy t-shirt. Brandi gave her a small smile before asking where Winter was.

"Dylan is just getting her bag," she smiled. Brandi nodded then thought of the fact she didn't know who this girl was.

"Sorry for only asking this now, but I forgot to ask your name last night," Brandi said, embarrassed.

"The thought slipped my mind as well, I'm Monica," she said, sticking out her hand.

"Brandi." and then shook Monica's hand. Monica smiled and then let Brandi inside the apartment.

The awkwardness had settled in and neither woman spoke until a certain little girl ran out of a bedroom singing a Neckdeep song. Brandi grinned to herself, knowing Winter had picked up the Neckdeep songs from her.

"Mum?" she squealed and skipped over to Brandi. She picked up the young girl and spun her around, kissing her cheek repeatedly. She could feel the warmth from Winter's body and smiled. This is my little girl. And Dylan's little girl. I'm taking away Dylan's little girl. The thought made her smile fall. Dylan would never would never do that to her. Why was she doing this to him? Oh right, out with the old, in with the new. Dylan didn't even fight for his daughter. Winter deserved someone who would fight, and do everything in their will to keep the child that they loved so much.

"Well Winter, say bubye to daddy, you won't be seeing him for a while." Brandi choked out. Feeling a rush of guilt but brushing it aside.

 Winter ran up to her dad and held him tightly before whispering something in his ear. He smiled at her and kissed her hair. He held her for a while before saying back to her, "I love you too, baby."

Brandi looked down and didn't say anything when Winter returned to her side. She took her hand and led her out the door and downstairs where Sarah was waiting for them to go to the airport. The movers were driving to LA and they would be flying. This was Winter's first time on the plane, and even Brandi's for that matter.

 Little Winter was happy to be going to the new house. You could tell because she kept telling the adults on repeat. Brandi had a little chatter box on her hands, that was for sure. Brandi was quite nervous to be flying, especially with Winter. She might not react excitedly, even though she was very excitable, much like Sarah, to Sarah's dismay.

They had gotten to the airport and were able to get around without too much hassle. They wait for the flight wasn't too long and Brandi watched Sarah and Winter jump around, since they were both very happy to be flying. Brandi on the other hand wasn't. She wasn't scared, she was just unsure. Unsure of what could happen. Unsure of who else could be on that flight. Unsure of everything. Leaving New York, even.

Soon enough the voice called for their gate one last time. She took her daughter and began to walk the catwalk, leading into the plane. Sarah was behind because she was buying one last water bottle for the six hour flight. Brandi laughed to herself. Not towards anything. Just because she was actually doing this. She was actually leaving everything familiar behind and she wasn't used to it. The thought freaked her out and she didn't know if this was the best for her. She didn't have a job, didn't have a boyfriend. She had her sassy self and Winter. She felt empty leaving behind her life for somebody else's. Wait, why am I doing this? She thought to herself. Then her little kid tugged her hand and smiled. Then her big kid ran behind her and giggled. (She means Sarah lol)

"God, I thought you got lost in this big airport all by yourself," Brandi joked.

"Oh yeah, I totally did, I followed the sounds of your sarcastic comments back to you, though," Sarah winked.

Then, the trio got into the plane and found their seats and waited for the six hours ahead of them.

Hi again! So I know Austin hasn't even been brought into this but be patient! He's coming ;) This is my first time writing in third perspective and I don't really like it but I started like this and plan on finishing like this. Sooo yeah! And this is a shorter chapter but it felt right ending it there. If you are still reading this, thank you and I love you so much. Leave comments of the next fic I should write and if you want to used in it!

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