Halloween and Dude

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                "Winter!" Brandi laughed, chasing her daughter around the bed, poorly attempting to dress her for the day. Winter shook her head and laughed at her mother before crawling under the bed and giggling to herself. B rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her giant grin. This kid was a pain in the ass. A love pain. Like a pinch of annoyance but love.

"Winter, you're going to be dirtier than your auntie, get out from under there!' Brandi jokingly yelled.

Sarah swung the door open seconds later and crossed her arms, glaring at her best friend she mumbled "I may be dirty but at least someone wants to get dirty with me."

Brandi faked gasped and fell onto the bed with a dramatic sigh. It was enough to make Winter run out from under it, giggling and dancing around the place. Her bare feet clapping against the hardwood, she took hiding behind her auntie's legs.

"Annie Sa," Winter grinned, "Mummy and you use tub, why you dirty?"

Sarah and Brandi lost it. They laughed and clutched their stomach's that would soon be aching with uncontrollable laughter. Winter looked at them questioningly and waddled out of the room seating herself in the living room and become distracted by Winnie The Pooh on the television. The girls caught their breath and smiled at each other.

"We are the worst influence for this child," Sarah said, shaking her head. Brandi smirked back at her.

"You might be but I'm not," she stuck her tongue at Sarah.

An awkward silence fell over the two girls. Well, awkward for Brandi. Sarah didn't notice and plopped down onto the bed. She crossed her legs and smiled deviously at Bran.

"Sooo, does my pal Austin want to get dirty with you?!" Sarah smirked, giggling into a pillow on Brandi's bed.

Brandi has avoided all conversation about Austin to Sarah. After the screw up on only the second night knowing each other, they haven't talked since. It's only been a week but Alan's been over at least five times in this seven day cycle. Austin didn't mention anything to Alan considering Alan is just as clueless as to why Austin's "too busy in the studio" to stop by for a visit.

B rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Nothings going on, we're just friends."

"So you don't mind I invited them to come shopping with us today?" Sarah asked with a nervous smile.

Brandi just sighed and forced a small smile, trying to reassure Sare that it technically wasn't her fault. She should've told her what was going on but she just didn't want to deal with it, and how she was feeling. The girls had been planning on going shopping this weekend for Halloween costumes and for the cat Sarah had been begging for. Bran gave in when Sare agreed for her to get a turtle. It was a crazy idea, but if they were getting pets, Brandi was getting one she wanted. Cats were cool, but turtles were way cooler.

The door bell rang and before anyone answered, Alan and Austin came out the door with take out bags of Chinese food. The smell was seeping through the brown paper bag and Sarah practically jumped off the bed to take it away from them and scrummage in it, making sure Alan got her favourite...which he always did.

"Hey Winter, whatcha watchin?" Austin said ruffling her hair. She giggled and looked up at him.

"Winnie the Pooh! It's mummy's favourite!" Winter smiled up at him.

"Hey!" Brandi yelled, coming out of her bedroom, "Don't mess up her hair, it took me forever to get that beast to stay still!" Austin laughed and grinned at her, B just laughed before dishing up for herself and Winter.


"One, two, three!" Brandi and Austin said in unison, swinging Winter while they walked to the Costume Store. Seriously, the name of the store was Costume Store.

By the time Brandi was able to catch Winter and get her into pants and an Adventure Time shirt, it was 1:30pm and Winter was already getting whiny. Luckily, they left the house and Austin was managing just fine by chasing her or tickling her or even carrying the kid on his shoulders. It was adorable the way Austin didn't have to try to make Winter like him, she just did.

The three entered the store and Winter squealed with excitement. Brandi even let out a few squeals herself. Halloween was her favourite holiday. The shop seemed old. The floor boards creaked when you walked and the walls were a dull grey. It fit the Halloween theme, from the freaky decorations and costumes on awkward positioned mannequins.Everything from twisted story lines to creepy decorations was brilliant. It reminded her of American Horror Story and how it fits into every thing creepy and twisted.

Winter ran to the kid section, looking at all the costumes and occasionally screaming because she was "spooked."

"Hey Winter!" Austin called out to her, gesturing her to come. Winter skipped over and Brandi followed behind. Walking, not skipping, B isn't that excited. From the rack, he pulled out a Winnie the Pooh costume. 

"I think it suits you, you remind me of a Winnie." Austin said to the smiling little girl. Brandi took the costume and told the two big, silly children to wait outside Costume Store while she paid for this and a few decorations.

When she came outside of the shop, Sarah and Alan stood laughing as Winter sang a song about the little black pug that was on a leash infront of them. Although, it was cute, it was small and bony. And its beady eyes were staring right at her.

"What is that?" Bran asked, coming closer to her friends and it.

"Now Dee, it's a who not a what," Alan winked.

"Puppy!" exclaimed Winter.

"It's looking at me funny," Brandi said, glaring at the dog.

"Dude, stop that."

This shifted B's glare from the dog to Alan.

"Bran! He means the dog, we named him Dude!" Sarah stated, laughing.

"You. Are. All. Idoits."


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