This is home?!?!

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The plane ride was exactly how Brandi expected. Two children both excited and fidgety. Winter and Sarah. Sarah is a twenty-two year old woman, who seemingly is stuck in her twelve year old time period. And Winter is two. But after the first hour, they settled and Winter was asleep and Sarah was listening to Of Mice and Men, Alan's band. Brandi had heard some songs by them but she didn't really bother buying the music on iTunes since Sarah had all of their songs and they both spent so much time together, she was able to tell certain songs here and there.

Five hours later they were landing in California. The sight was amazing. Except that there was no familiarity which made her toes curl inside her Toms. Brandi, stop. We have a house and lots of space and even a backyard! This is the right choice! I just need a job... Winter tossed in her arms and brought her mind back at ease. This one was excited to be here! She wouldn't stop asking about her own room and the backyard. In the back of her head, she knew she would love it why was her heart holding her back?

Sare turned to look at her with a serious expression on her face an asked, "Now that we have a house how many cats can we get?" 

"Probably ten," Brandi answered, just as serious.


"No idiot! Maybe two, if you're lucky," Brandi smirked.

Sarah sulked for a split second, then exclaimed, "So one for sure!?" Brandi laughed and nodded. And as if on cue, a voice rung through the intercom. Brandi made sure Winter was strapped in and safe, then they landed.

Once the crew had gotten off the plane, Sarah was freaking out. Like jumping up and down and having a hard time not dancing as they waited at Gate 27 for their ride to the new house. It's not the house she's excited to's Alan. From a distance, Brandi could see a tall man with tattoo's and a ginger, the ginger looking like he was about to punch someone out and the tall dude looked like a happy child on Christmas. Brandi knew that look all too well with Winter.

Sarah squealed when she finally noticed the pair coming towards them. She dropped Brandi's hand that she was gripping so hard. Sare insisted on holding hands since they were in L.A.X and there was a bigger chance of getting lost, considering Sarah pretty much got left behind last time. Not pointing fingers, but it wasn't Brandi's fault nor was it Winter's.

The twenty two year old sprinted towards the ginger, and once he realized who was coming his scowl changed into the biggest smile that could ever be seen by the naked eye. His arms spread and Sarah didn't hesitate to pounce into them. Heads were buried into necks and smiles were sprouted onto everyone, Brandi and tall tattoo man included.

Mother and daughter caught up to the rest of them because of Sarah's fast run and Brandi's slow walk. Not Sarah or Alan had let go and it seemed it would be a while before one of them gave in, Brandi felt her gaze fall onto the other male that was there. He was very attractive up close and had detailed tattoo's covering his arms. She couldn't help but stare and feel...well, connected to him.

The couple released each other and Sarah jumped into the other guy as well. That hug was much shorter than the first and after she let go, Alan pulled her back into him. There was a tug on Brandi's sleeve, Winter looked up at her mom and asked in the cutest way possible,

"Why doesn't annie let go?"

This caused laughter from Brandi, and the tall man, who was now grinning ear-to-ear, at herself and Winter. A blush crept up to her cheeks, which was odd. She never blushed or felt all 'fluttery' around guys. But his smile, that smile could change the world.

"Dee!" Sarah shouted, de-tangling herself from Alan.Brandi's head turned at the sound of her nickname.

"Austin, Alan, this is my best friend Brandi and my even bester friend, Winter."

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