Last Night Was Not Our Finest Hour

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Being woken up with a pounding head ache, next to a man you don't remember doing anything with, and a jumping toddler, could make anyone scream. So that's what Brandi did.

"Mum! Why you yelling?" Winter giggled.

"Jesus Winter, you scared me!"

Winter laughed loudly, and Austin just began to stir in his sleep.

"Is auntie awake?"

Winter nodded.

"Well go see her, I'll be up in a second." Brandi said.

Winter slid out of the bed and trotted out of the room. Eyeing a pillow, Brandi picked it up and started beating the peaceful looking and half asleep Austin.

"What the fu-" he muttered as he rolled out of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud.

Brandi actually started to laugh at this and made at least twenty puns in her head which only made her laugh harder, but only one pun made it out of her mouth, "I guess you're not ready to roll this morning," she breathed out in laughter from her lame attempt at making a joke.

"That was horrible," Austin complained, still not getting up off of the floor. He glanced up to smile at her, she smiled back then suddenly remembered they shared a bed last night...and she knew a lot about bedroom shenanigans. She was thinking of all the worst things that could've happened last night when her thoughts were interrupted with pair of lips against hers. She responded and felt his arms pull her up from of the bed and into his chest. He kissed her softly, but it was still enough to make her ignore all her worries. His hand held the small of her back and she tried to link her arms around his neck, lets face it, Brandi was way too short for this.

"We should really talk about what we're getting ourselves into," Brandi muttered, pulling away although she didn't want too.

"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah," he repeated to more himself then to her.

Brandi bent down and threw his shirt in his direction, he caught it and with one swift movement slipped it on. She went to her closet and put on a tank top with a cardigan. Tying her hair into a messy bun she left her bedroom, Austin trailing behind her. They walked into the kitchen where Sarah was emptying boxes some of the movers had brought today. Winter was watching Alan hook up the TV in the living room.

"Sare!" Brandi called,


"Mind watching Winter?"

"Not at all, come get some Tylenol, you smell like a shoe."

Brandi walked into the kitchen where a bottle of pills sat on the counter. She took two.

"How is taking Tylenol going to effect my shoe stench?"

"It's so your head doesn't feel like shoes are being thrown at my black pumps...which I may have thrown at you last night," Sarah said quickly, putting dishes away so she was less likely to be hit, but it didn't stop Brandi for feeling her head. Sure enough, there was a bump. She glared at Sarah and Sarah put her hands up in defense.

"Last night was neither of our finest hours," Sarah spoke slowly.

"IT WAS ONE OF YOUR FINEST HOURS IN BED THOUGH!" Alan shouted from the other room.

"YEAH WELL IT WASN'T YOURS!" Sare shouted back.


"Yeah, we're going now," Brandi said, rolling her eyes. Austin turned to look at her and laughed at his friends. She couldn't help but to do the same.


The pair were seated outside a Starbucks, coffee in hand and a comfortable silence. They each had one ear bud in of their phones which made Brandi smile. They could be listening to same song right now and not know it.

"So, we should get this awkward conversation over with," Austin said grinning. Brandi could've swore he never stopped smiling.

She nodded in agreement. Something pulled her stomach into knots. She wanted him. His happiness spread onto her and she quite enjoyed it.

"I just think this would be awkward if we weren't together but too soon for us to actually be something..." he said to her.

"I agree. And I don't want to bring different men into Winter's life. If you want me, you have to want everything that comes along with me."

His eyes lit up when she mentioned Winter's name.

"If having you means getting everything that comes along with you, I'm all in."

She blushed at his words but was hoping he didn't notice. He did though. Austin took her hand and kissed her fingers. She could hear her head screaming no, while her heart only screamed yes.

"Austin, I really like you, but I hardly know you. You could be an axe murder that collects My Little Pony onezies and I wouldn't have the slightest clue,"

 "Dang, I thought I had you fooled..." he murmured.

Brandi bursted out with a heart filled laugh and Austin broke out another award winning smile.

"Just joking..." he winked. Brandi shook her head, grinning at this strange man.

"You are way too much to handle," she smirked. He chuckled and took her hand, leading her away from the table. They began to walk down the unfamiliar street, Austins hand was warm but without warning, she took her hand out of his grip and slipped them into her jean pockets. He looked at her questioningly.

"Friends for now, okay?" she said to him. He nodded.

"That's fine, but just let me do this once more..." He held the side of her head and began kissing her in the middle of the sidewalk. Brandi wasn't fond of public affection, but with him, she was fond of everything. His kisses were warm and welcoming. But at the same time, hot and sexy, making her want more. He knew just the right time to pull away and leave her wanting more, it was frustrating because she knew she had to keep her word even though she wanted to do unholy things to that man.

They stared at each other for quite some time until Austin asked, "Do you believe in love at first sight, or soul mates?"

She sort of nodded, "Yes, I believe in soul mates, maybe not lover soul mates, but friendship soul mates. I think they're people you will meet in your life and just connect with and understand perfectly. Like they fit with you and it was like a part of you lives inside them and not having them in your life is like not knowing who you are."

He rubbed his lips together, seemingly to understand.

"I believe Sarah is my soul mate, she knows and understands my emotions just by looking at my face."

"Yeah," he said smiling, only a little, "I want to be your soul mate."

Hey loves (: That whole soul mate opinion is how I feel about soul mates! Anyways Love you and tell me what you think of this chapter! Also check out Fallzswimmer, she is getting married and one of my favourite wattpad authors!

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