Quiet Addiction

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"Just please don't be mad at me," Austin grinned. Brandi looked at him in a troublesome glance. They were walking towards a location that Austin had no intention of telling her anytime soon. Winter was with auntie and she now had insisted on calling Alan her uncle. They had brought Dude back to the house, along with a turtle that was picked out by Winter.

"What the hell, asshole? Tell me what's going on if you think I'll get mad!" Brandi said, hitting him in the chest with a smile on her face. He grabbed her hands and looked her dead in the eye. She froze. Memories of Dylan hitting her came back to the surface and all the broken ribs and bruised hips suddenly ached again.

"Touch me like that again and I might have to kiss you," he said, his eyes revealed the playful matter as he pulled her into his shoulder and chuckled. The tension that had appeared dropped when his laughter flowed in like melody.

"I could never treat someone that way, although there was time I went to jail for hitting a guy who made fun of a dead fan of mine...what a douche," he shook his head sadly and turned away.

B felt immediate longing to hold him and she did just that. She pulled him into an embrace and inhaled his cologne and smell of his shirt. His long arms held onto her small frame but relaxed into a comfort.

Pulling away from each other, he caressed her cheek and his lips raised to her forehead. Whispering, he said, "Look where we are..."

She slowly turned around to find herself in front of a tattoo parlour.

"Quiet Addiction," she said so only she could hear.

Austin grabbed her hands, "Dee, I got you an interview here. It's more reserved tattoo shop. I've applied you as an assistant for now. The girl interviewing you will tell you more. I need to go but I've got all my confidence that you can get this job."

Brandi was left speechless. This was a huge thing to do for a someone else. She knew something inside her was pulled to Austin and she knew that she wouldn't be able to control it. He was trying to help fulfill her dream. Ever since she was young, she's been drawing and sketching and shading and just preparing herself for this moment. Walking through those doors could change her life.

"Austin, I'm so thankful, yet terrified. I think I need you to come with me though. I can't do this without you..."

"Dee, you are one of the strongest woman I've ever met, aside from my mum. You've been raising a baby by yourself for two years. Don't be scared of an easy, little interview," Austin kissed her cheek and began walking away from her. Somewhere inside of her knew that he was right. Brandi was strong. She was fearless. She would nail this interview and kick ass doing it.

She walked into the shop and was greeted by the smell of stale cigarettes and back coffee. It looked like a comfy place, but intimating as well. There was seats in a waiting section to her right and to her left was the front desk.

A girl who looked at least twenty-five, was sitting in a spinney chair. It was easy to tell because she would spin from one side to the next. She looked tall, and had dyed red hair. It was choppy but seemed to suit her. There was two piercings on her face, her nose and eyebrow. She didn't have a sleeve but had a tattoo on her shoulder of a dream catcher. She was very pretty and had glasses, smiling while looking up as Brandi approached the desk.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Quiet Addiction," the girl greeted, cheerfully.

"Hello, um I'm here for an interview..." B trailed off.

"Oh yes! I'll go see if Marc's finishing up and get him for you," and with that, she stood up and went into the other room.

Brandi awkwardly stood for a quite some time and decided it would be much better for her to sit. While sitting she noticed a black sketch book that sat on the coffee table with a bunch of tattoo magazines. It was labeled "Community Art". Flipping through she saw immature drawings of cartoon dicks and made her role her eyes, but she also saw amazing art. A pencil attached to it began to swing between her legs. She quickly scooped it up and started to sketch.

By the time she was halfway done, three people walked out of a crowded room. A man smiled admiring some tattoos on his arm, probably new. Another man with tattoo sleeves and a beard, and the girl at the front desk.

"Marc is ready for you," she said, kindly. Brandi smiled at her and stood up, placing the book back onto the coffee table. She followed Marc into the room they had just come out of.

"Hey Brandi, I'm Marc. I'll be interviewing you for Marcel. He's the best tattoo artist in this building," said Marc, he started to arrange his supplies.

The interview lasted about thirty minutes.

"I'm giving you the job.." Marc said.

"What? Already?" asked Brandi.

"The only reason I'm jumping on this opportunity to give you this job is because no one has applied for it in six months."

"Well," B said, "When do I start?"

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