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The next morning Brandi rolled over to see Austin in a peaceful slumber. She smiled and quietly sneaked out of bed. And no. Nothing happened. She replayed last nights events in her  head and it have her a migraine. Dylan was unbelievable. After the stomach turning phone call, she collapsed and cried all over again. Austin had made her tea and held her until she fell asleep. It didn't quite work out because Austin was sleeping before she was, although the thought was very sweet.

By wanting Winter to have a father role in her life, B did not mean have her actual father move here. Brandi had the strongest feeling Dylan was not moving here for Winter, but moving here for someone else...most likely Monica. Not that Monica was terrible, Monica seemed lovely, just not lovely enough for an invitation to move to an entire different state with an asshole. 

She sulked to the bathroom where she showered and got ready for work. She had yet to meet her boss and was nervous. She dressed in dark skinny jeans and the nicest shirt she had, which was a white blouse. But this was a tattoo parlour, she wasn't too concerned about her outfit. After getting ready and leaving a note for Sarah on the counter, Winter had stumbled into the kitchen sucking on her pacifier, which she called 'passy.'

"Good morning beautiful," Brandi said, picking up her daughter, "Austin's babysitting today. Momma has to work."

Winter was often grumpy in the morning. Her eyebrows furrowed and her scowl deepened after hearing B would not be spending the day with her. Her curly hair was sticking out in every direction and B knew Austin would not be able to handle that. She put the baby in her booster seat and poured some dry cereal for her to munch on while Brandi yanked a comb through Winter's messy hair and put it in a little bun. 

"There sweetie," B said, kissing her forehead, "don't frown so much." This only made Winter frown more. She checked the time and saw that it was only eight am. She hurried around the kitchen and began to make breakfast for Winter and Austin. She happily flipped the bacon and eggs that were almost finished cooking and served as soon as they were done.

"Good morning, lovelies." Austin said, strolling into the kitchen. He planted a small kiss on Brandi's temple and held her hip, pulling her closer to him. His eyes squinted when his smile grew and he chuckled at Brandi's eye roll in response.

He sat down beside Winter and began eating with her. Brandi smiled at them, kissing them both on the head then left on her way to work. B was nervous for her first day, but all she really had to do was clean tattoo guns, get coffee and work the desk. She wanted to do so much more than be a coffee machine and a voice behind the telephone She wanted to show her art to the world, and see people wear the beauty of tattoo's on their skin, expressing who they are in the detailed art work for everyone to see. Tattoo's were like a silent story on a persons body.

When she arrived at the parlour and walked through the door, the smell of caffeine, stale cigarettes and ink rested in her nose. She enjoyed it, though. The same girl at the desk smiled at her.

"Hey newbie." she laughed a little, shooting Brandi a big grin. B giggled back at her, trying to hide her flushing cheeks that turned a light pink from embarrassment.

"I'm Katrina, but if you call me anything other than Kat, I will scratch your eyes out and spit a hairball on your desk. Get it? Because I'm Kat, and hairballs and cats."

Brandi actually laughed this time, saying, "Yeah, I get it. I'm Brandi, by the way. Either called B or Brandi and I don't really care if you call me anything else."

The redhead Kat ginned some more, quickly answering the ringing phone, pointing Brandi to the opened door down the hall.

The room was a little small but not claustrophobic, the white walls seemed to be laughing to be at her. Look at you, just the assistant, no one would like your could they be interested in you. B's throat now became dry, she could barely swallow her own spit. She realized she was in the break room. A coffee machine sat in the corner on the counter, other than that and a leather couch, the room was bare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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