Chapter 5

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**Can we talk about the season 2 finale for a sec? Like?? What the hell was that? No spoilers. But... I have no words... and if you've watched it already, I think you probably know what I mean. Let's chat here!! Cuz I need to speak my truth.**


*One week later*

" He really said that?" Ashlyn perked in amusement as we sat in our usual seats in bio class. I love Mrs. Ramirez. One of the main reasons she is my favorite teacher is because she sat both me and Ash next to each other. She's great.

"Yep. He said he'd teach me" I squeal excitedly from my seat and Ashlyn gaze at me oddly making me frown almost immediately.

"What?" I whined looking at her in confusion as she chuckled shaking her head.

"You really are whipped roomie" she declared in all confidence while I just stared at her in shock.

"Uhh-what- excuse you? I am not whi-" I responded defensively before Ej's voice interrupted me mid sentence.

"Hellooooo" He greeted with a big smile on his face making me inevitably break out into an even bigger smile. I can't help it. He's Ej.

"Hey" I smiled softly at him while Ashlyn analyzed our interaction with a teasing smirk.

"So Gigi tells me you offered to teach her how to drive. Is that so?" Ashlyn questioned raising her eyebrows at his cousin.

"I did" He replied staring right back at her puzzled by the tone of her question.

"Hmm...interesting. I distinctively remember asking you not too long ago if you could teach me how to drive and you refused me. Your poor and only cousin. You turned me down. Life is just so full of wonderful surprises" Ashlyn teased overdramatically clamping her hands together and Ej rolled his eyes at her.

"I refused only after you almost popped my front right tire" He explained defensively.

"How was I suppose to know that I was close to curb?" Ashlyn countered challenging him.

"How can you not? The car was lopsided. Did you seriously not feel the bump?" He argue back chuckling dryly and Ashlyn disagreed. Watching them argue was too comical that I couldn't help but giggle at their adorable sibling-like banter.

"What are you giggling about?" Ashlyn questioned turning her gaze onto me.

"You guys are adorable. Honestly its so cute to watch you guys fight" I giggled yet again making both of them roll their eyes.

"Please do not call me adorable" Ej begged looking utterly humiliated.

"I am no liar Ej Caswell. I only speak the truth" I grinned innocently teasing him.

"You are shattering his ego roomie" Ashlyn teased elbowing her cousin playfully.

"Am I really?" I taunted looking at Ej and he sighed with a soft smile on his face.

"You have to be nice to me G. I'm the one teaching how to drive. Remember?" He declared playfully and I gasped dramatically.

"Oh goodness. How could I ever forget that the Ej Caswell is teaching me how to drive" I emphasized fangirling while batting my lashes at him.

"Oh shut up" Ej replied with a smirk making my heart beat a thousand miles per minute.

"ok ok ok I'm done. I promise" I announced chuckling and stretching out my hand for a pinky promise.

"It's a pinky promise. You can't break it" Ej said in all seriousness but a subtly smile playing on his lips.

"I could never" I smirked as we sealed the pinky promise. I could see Ashlyn chuckled at us while snapping a photo of us.

"Now this will be perfect bait for blackmail. A high school senior caught in the middle of a pinky promise" Ashlyn declared proudly showing us the picture displayed on her phone screen.

Ej leaning against my desk smiling down at me as our pinkies were interlocked. I sat in my desk, staring upwards, with a wide smile on my face. A smile so big it almost looked like I was squinting. She capture a genuine moment between us and even though I would never ever admit it. I am glad she did.

Is this how I look whenever I'm around him? I've never noticed just how happy I am by his presence. And I can't help but wonder if that joy I see glowing in his eyes is because I make him happy too.

"So auditions are today? You guys ready?" Ashlyn asked putting her phone away.

"First, I wouldn't mind if you posted that photo. So you can't use it to blackmail me. I am embracing all parts of me. Second, yes I am ready for auditions" Ej commented proudly making me grinned.

"Yeah. Ash haven't you heard? He's a new man. Ej 2.0" I added sarcastically.

"Even though you are using a rather sarcastic tone, I know you're being supportive, so thank you" Ej retorted with an innocent smile.

"You're welcome" I replied mocking his smile.

" I wonder what our newbie will be doing for auditions" Ash perked in curiosity.

"probably something over the top" I commented dryly fidgeting with my hands already feeling uncomfortable even having to talk about her.

"Over the top is the perfect description friend" Lili voiced boomed through the classroom making us all snap our heads towards the classroom entrance.

Did she just call me 'friend'? Uh no no no...

"Lily" Ej greeted with a soft smile.

"Ej" Lily replied sweetly with a subtly smirk.

I really really really do not like her...

Hello #portwell fam,

I hope everyone is having an spectacular day. What do we think so far? What's your favorite line? Favorite moment? Let me know all things. And feel free to add any suggestions either in the comments or by directly messaging me.

With love always,


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