Chapter 27

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*Another beautiful day with fabulous #portwell content. I hope you are all having a magnificent day! Happy readings and let me see those reactions throughout the story. I love to read them! ♥️*



"I'm booking a flight out of Cabos right now!" Ashlyn exclaimed dramatically over the phone as I laid on my queen size bed nervously.

"Ash what am I suppose to do?" I asked anxiously fidgeting with my phone case.

"I'm sorry. I can't comprehend a single word you're saying to me right now. Everything after "Ej kissed me" is sorta of all one big blur. I'm still trying to process" Ashlyn admitted in all honestly as she let out a happy squeal.

"Ashlyn" I whined sighing heavily.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. I'm done. I'll fangirl over this later. Has my dear cousin tried talking to you since the uh... kiss?" Ash asked curiously and I nodded before realizing she couldn't see me.

"Yes. Many times. I've been avoiding him every single time" I replied and Ash sighed in obvious disappointment.

The truth is that after the whole impromptu kiss, I tried my best the entire day to never stay alone with Ej. It wasn't all that hard because Jack was always looming over me. First time I'm ever grateful for Jack's annoying presence. But it did make it practically impossible for Ej to pull me aside without perking up anyone's attention.

"Ok so here is my advice. Be warned you are not gonna like it." She explains and I rolled my eyes teasingly. She goes on to add "I think you should just let him talk. Hear him out. Take it from there" She suggested and I groaned in response.

"That's not advice. That's suicidal" I retorted dramatically.

"I told you that you wouldn't like it" She said as I ponder her idea.

"You think I should let him talk?" I whispered as she hummed in agreement.

"What will he even say? "Oh I'm sorry for kissing you Gina." I don't want him to apologize for kissing me. I don't want to hear his heart- felt speech full of regret" I explained pouting while taking a deep exhale.

"Well you can't ignore him the entire trip. You still have 4 days left in Seattle" Ash reminded me and I whined like a big baby.

"What if I just book an early flight and come back earlier?" I suggest nervously.

"Gina" Ash warned motherly. "Alright alright. Not doing that. But Ash I can't face him right now. When I see him, all I can think about is his lips on mine" I groaned in embarrassment and Ash chuckled through the phone.

"Roomie just do it okay? And please tell me everything. I'll even unmute my ringer to hear your notifications. Don't be modest. Call or text at any time" She urged me in anticipation.

"You are too invested" I chuckled.

"How can I not? It's my bestie and my cousin" She laughed as I chuckled agreeing along with her.

My heart hammered against my chest when I heard a soft and hesitant knock on my door. "Oh no" I mumbled under my breath and Ash perked up in curiosity "What is it?" She asked me as I waited to hear another knock for confirmation.

"Someone's at the door" I whispered lowly to the phone. "Gina it's Ej can we talk?" A faded voice called out softly.

"It's Ej" I whispered-yelled frantically jumping off bed with a happily squealing Ash at the other end of the line.

"Ok I'll let you go. Call me back" She squealed happily and before I can even argue she hung up on me.

"Please Gina. Open the door" Ej begged as I quietly walked towards the door. My hands were slightly shaking as I gripped the door handle. As soon as I turned the knob, Ej's head looked up from the floor, meeting my eyes briefly before scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Here goes nothing and everything all at the same time...

What happens if he tells me that he regrets what happened between us? Or even worst that I'm a bad kisser?

Or what if he tells me to stay the fuck out of his business? Would he break our friendship over this?

No way. He would never do such a thing.

Am I overthinking too much? Or maybe not enough?

Oh please pray for me.

And it would also help if I open the door and let him talk his peace right?

Hello #portwell fam,

I hope everyone is having an spectacular day. What do we think so far? What's your favorite line? Favorite moment? Let me know all things. And feel free to add any suggestions either in the comments or by directly messaging me.

With love always,


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