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,*cough, cough cough* my throut burned with the dryness of it. Ugh. Another dream. Or should it be called a nightmare? I get up anyways and got outside, its foggy. The kind of fog you cant see anything in. A sigh escapes.

''Baby, where have you been?'' A husky, familiar voice wispers with the wind.

I turn around releived from my mini heart attack. My smile disapears, its not Roger.

''Jason?!'' a wave of silence comes through, ''Why...''

''You remember that little riot I told you about baby?? Well I know who dies..'' He disapears in the fog.

The words soak in. I run in the direction he was in, and I bump into sumeone. We fall to the ground.

''Guess who.'' Jason's enjoying this too much. He dosen't wait for an answer and wispers, ''Roger dies...''

He gets up and studies my face for an expresion. At first I don't know what to think, it could be true though. Jason probably just spared my feelings and didn't tell me the truth. What if this is my imagination? Douts filled my head.. A sigh escaped my lips, I fell back on something soft. Was it grass? Who cares?

Jason was still studying me, like if I was going to cry that he would be ready. ''You're not going to cry?''

I shrug, ''I don't know what to beleive anymore.''

Which was true. So much things have hapened.

''Don't act like I didn't warn you babe.'' He starts smiling again. Then Jason starts stroking my hair.

''Don't call me that, Jason.'' I growl at him under my breath. He was really trying to make me burst.

''Calm down tiger! Its gonna hapen one day, i'm not letting Jesse even touch you after Roger's gone.'' He gets serious and walks away punching a tree. I see a huge dent and step back slowly. Thats when i wake up. For once no screaming or a stroke of fear from a dream. Its not going to last for long either.

''Good morning sleepy head.'' Jason said smiling.

''Well hey.'' I said casually. I was going to wait until Monday to see if the dream was true.

''Did you know that you talk in your sleep?'' he said laughing.

A sigh escapes my lips, ''What did I say this time?''

Jason chuckles, ''You were saying 'Don't call me that, Jason' and after you yelped too.''

Thoughts were still in my head as I look in the mirror and scream. I looked like I was the grudge. Jason laughs again.

''Damn I look horible...'' I get up and yawn to get changed.

''No you don't, either way you look beautiful...'' Jason wispers and trails off at the same time.

A wave of silence comes over us. Awkward. That was the word.

I start to wisper, ''Thanks... So where's Jesse and Alana?''

''They left early, Alana's parents came for both of them and hour ago.''

''Why?'' Concern filled my voice

''Alana was sick and Jesse's parents wanted him home for a family vacation he forgot about.'' he layed down on my bed.

''Oh yeah.'' thoughts from the conversation filled my head, ''I guess i'm alone now.''

Jason rolls his eyes with a smile, as I go out and change. I come back to do my make-up.

''I don't understand why girls wear make-up.'' He stares at himself in the mirror.

I smile, ''And I don't understand why guys ubsess about their hair.''

He smirks, as I put on eyeliner and eyeshadow. ''Two-shay.''

''Is blue, like your favorite color?'' He says looking at my indigo blue jeans and nailpolish.

I nod no, ''Actuelly, its black and blue.'' I point at my eyeshadow, ''See the black?'' Sarcasm finishes the sentence.

He nods like i'm full of it.

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