The Unexpected

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-Soooo sorry last chapter was so long.......if it was long... my bad-


The first thing I see in my closet was a white dress, the white one from the nightmare. I jump back in shock, I dont remember buying it anywhere.

''What hapened?'' Alana laughed.

''Nothing I just saw a spider.'' I didnt want to make them worry.

I kept looking like it was nothing, I see another dress but i dont bother taking it out.

''So what are you wearing tonight, missy?'' Alana asked exaclly like my mom.

''I don't know mom, probably thoose gray jeans that are amazingly goregous, and that white thick tank top with 'Love' on it.'' I say casually.

''Those gray jeans with faded animal print ?'' She asked a little excited.

I nod taking it out along with the shirt.

''I love those jeans.'' she squeals.

''OMG, me too.'' Jesse says laughing like we are crazy.

Alana throws a pillow at him and gives him a face. I laugh and go change as fast as I can. Then came in and looked in the mirror.

''You look so hot, girl !!'' Alana almost screams.

Jesse and I start laughing and, then I trip over a pillow and we laugh harder.

When we all stop and finnaly calm down I plead, ''Help me get my hair straight.'' I grab my straightner and notice a wing on it, an angel wing. Everything around me has to do something with all of this crazyness. I hate it. I shiver and hand Jesse my starightner.

I know its weird but Jesse has a gift. And I mean everything about everything, with hair.

Wile I do my makeup in the full-length mirror, Jesse starts doing my bangs. I can't help but stare at the angel wing on my purple straightner. I noticed it before but i never thought it would mean anything. After i'm done with my eyeliner and eyeshadow, he's alredy done with half of my hair. I'm a little surprised because it makes me feel too self-absorbed, when it comes to my looks.

''If i were lesbian, I would date you.'' Alana wispers when i finish with a little lip gloss.

We all start cracking up and Jesse almost burns a peice of my hair. I see him about to cry, not for my hair but for the fact that Alana is that weird with us alone. Alana dosent stop either but then I get a call.

''Shit, is that Roger?'' I say desperate for Jesse to hury up.

''No, but its a restricted number.'' Alana pases me the phone.

I answer. ''Hello?''

''Well, well, well i see you gave up huh?'' it was a mischevous voice.

''Who is this?!?!''

''Relax, Karen you will soon find out.'' the voice chuckles.

''Who the hell is this, and how do you know my name?!'' i feel myself getting stiff.

''That dosent matter. Aaron, is dead so just let go of him. He will never give you enough clues to figure out, crap. You gave up and I am glad.'' He starts to half yell in a deadly voice.

''Im NEVER giving up on Aaron, I know that he is dead and guess what, I will find out. I know more than you think and thanks for the pep talk. Im more motivated now. Bye.'' I hang up feeling myself weld up.

Silence fills the room. I noticed Jesse was done with my hair and I looked great. I felt a tear run down my cheek and Alana imedietly helps with my makeup. I take a deep breath and fix my eyeliner.

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