A Big Secret

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''Calm down, its only us.'' Jesse cups my face with worry in his eyes.He studies my face.

After a few seconds he blushes and lets go. ''Im sorry, I didnt mean to do that, I just got so worried because you were late. I just thought something could have hapened.'' he starts to wisper.

''I was worried too.'' Alana rolls her eyes.

I take my hair out the fact I put it too tight. I look at them and say, ''Where shall I start?''

''Begining.'' They say in unison.

I nod and start. I tell them about the dream the night after the funneral and what had hapened in the woods. I choke off and start to cry. After I calm down a little, I then tell them about the nightmare, and the exact same dress that was in my closet. I almost leave out the encounter with Aaron's spirit but I tell them anyways.

When I finish and they look at me with big eyes I start to cry again. At times like this I would consider myself weak. But that thought was gone when I realized this person would stop at nothing to want me not breathing anymore.

''I never going to let anyone hurt you.. You hear me?'' Alana shakes me like she's trying to wake me up.

I nod and dry my eyes, as they both call their parents on my phone and ask if they could sleep over. After that I ask my mom too, and they all say yes.

''Don't you think it a little weird?'' I say, ''To have a sleep over on Monday night? We have school tomarow you know.''

''No we don't.'' Jesse says surprised.

I almost forgot we didn't have school the rest of the week because of some special holiday.

''Nevermind I just remembered.'' I flashed back to a conversation over the previous weekend. After thinking about it, it was ironic how we only had one day of school instead of just having the whole week off.

''Do you have an idea who it could be?'' Jesse interups my thoughts.

I go straight to the memory with the guy from my art class, better known my very own black winged angel. ''I have an idea.''

''Who ?!'' they both get big eyed, waiting for me to blurt it out.

''The black angel from my nightmare could have been in my art class this whole time.'' I mutter softly. I don't know how I never noticied him until I tripped over him this morning.

''Atleast we have all night and tomarow to figure this out.'' Alana sighs and studies the handwriting on the note from afar.

Alana is just as smart as I am. She knows about fingerprints. About how each individual one can be preserved, changed, and transversed. She watches 'C.S.I' and 'Criminal Minds' just as much and I do. Jesse reaches for the paper and Alana slaps his hand away.

''Don't touch it or you'll mess up the fingerprints.'' she hisses.

''Jeez, calm down Python.'' Jesse hisses back, fighting back a smile from his lips.

He will always, and forever, call us names but we know he just likes to agravate us. I don't know how we can live with him, especially since we all met in elementary. To be presice, 3rd grade.

Typical Jesse, but still we would both take a bullet for him, no matter what.

Alana rolls her eyes and runs to the kitchen.

When shhe comes back she has two large bags of Cheatoes, three sprite bottles, and a bag-ful of candy.

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