Back In School

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Its Monday, this was the first day that i went to school since the funneral. As my dad pulls up to the school, I take my time to get out.

''I know you've had a rough two weeks, but you can't stay at home forever.'' he told me quietly.

He acttuelly noticed me strugle, ''I know..I'll see you later dad.''

As I get out of the car there

are my two favorite people waiting for me, like they knew I would come.

''Karen!!'' They shout in unison with big smiles on their faces.

''Alana, Jesse !!'' I do my share of shouting.

They imedietlly start telling me about a huge test that I missed, how was the funeral and how was I holding up, also a bunch of sillyness only they would bother to tell me.

''Okay listen ! The funeral was okay, im not so good, Alana you know I never study anyways, and Jesse right know is not the time for your crazy 'one-of-a-kind' cereal that got discontinued.'' Sometimes I wonder about that boy.

We all laugh til the bell rings telling us to get to class.

I run to my first period knowing I would be late, its in the farthest halway. I have dance first. The bell rings, telling teachers who is late. Ms.LaPatin dosent notice im late, besides we had to go change anyways. Every morning our class misses the 'morning news' for school and go change into our dance clothes. Im in love with dance so I never forget. As we all come back to the class we imedietly start with a salsa dance.

She puts on 'Danza Kuduro' by;Don Omar, a very good song and starts saying, ''Salsa basic front and back, clap twice in between, then side to side clap twice in between.''

We all follow and she goes on ''Very good, now pivot turn four times, and very fast angle-backs.''

She demonstrates and we practice, each on our own.

''Okay, now lets practise hip hop.''

Everyone gets it our lines of three. We wait for the music to start, another one of my favorites 'I Can Only Imagine' by; David Geatu.

After a count of eight we start. Everyone moves swiftly and fluently. We all move together but iscolated at the same time. The best in the whole class is Kimberly Denver. She basically lives off of dance. No one practices more, no one tries more, and no one dosent care more than she does. Im surprised she isn't famous yet.

We go over both dances one more time getting it more perfect every time, with the help of Kimberly of course.

After ten minutes,''Grab your stuff, lets go get dressed.'' Ms.Lapatin anounces.

i grab my bookbag, shoes, and speed walk out the class and to the bathroom with a few other girls.

After i get dressed, fix my hair and eyeliner the bell rings. Just in time. I walk to my locker and put in my dance clothes and take out a history book. I feel someone wrap an arm around my waist.

''Hello beautiful, I missed you.'' he smiles and hands me a single rose.

''Aww thanks, i missed you too.'' I light up imedietly.

He knows what hapened over the week. He's always been there for me, through easy and tough times. I put the rose in my locker so it dosent get squished between books and papers in my bag.

''So how are you holding up baby?'' he says studying my face for a sign of pain.

I let out a huge sigh, ''Good I guess, i've got better.'' I close my locker.

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