It's Only The Start

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''Wish I could put a spell on you, wish i could make you feel like I do. Wouldn't that be sweet? So magical.'' The song carried on in the misty cold space. I shiver and feel something consume me. Its hard to breathe. I try to walk and find a door or something. The song suddenly blurs and all you hear is mumbling I start to choke, breathless I gasp for air but I realize im underwater. I try to swim to the top but something is pulling me down, like every inch I move just makes it worse. I start to kick. I feel myslef let go, I just close my eyes and let myselt sink. With no energy, no life left, and no intension to move.

Suddenly something swims past me. I open my eyes. Im 30 feet from the surface but it seems shorter. I try to swim to the surface my mind is racing. How did I last this long underwater? I feel something pull my foot again, ready for me to drown. I look down its too dark to see anything I try reaching for the surface, inches away. Now I really do faint.

I can feel myself being shook back and forth. I cough up saltwater the horrible taste on my lips and mouth. I revive looking at the person. My eyes are burning from the saltwater and my right leg cuts seem to be fresh but deeper, burning from the saltwater too. I blink rapidly and look at him big eyed. Its the angel from art class. I kick back on the sand trying to get up and run. My legs and arms fail me.

He puts his hands on my shoulder ''Clam down, I didn't save you just to kill you.''

He read half of my mind. I finnaly get up and get my bangs out of my eyes. I weld up and start taking steps back. ''What do you want from me ?!''

''Calm down. Im your fallen gardian angel. My name is Jason. I'm here to protect and help you. You have to understand me if you want to help Aaron.''

''Fallen gardian angel? So you're the same guy from art class.''

''Same old me.'' He runs a hand through his hair.

Watching him got me self-constious. I put both arms around my stomach and look at the sandy floor.

''Why do you always do that.'' He furrows his eyebrows and studies me.

I look at him and back at the floor, ''I-i-i don't know.'' I flip my bangs back from my eyes.

''Are you really that insecure?!''

I nod hating myself more and more as the seconds pass. I start looking at the ocean and start losing myself in the amazing blue waves.

''But you have a perfect life. Your pretty, and talented in art also in photograpgy. You have a boyfriend, good friends, and your very own angel. What else do you need.''

I stare at him getting more insecure. He actuely called me pretty. The hate for myself grows quicker too. ''What about Aaron, and that phyco who's trying to kill me?!''

''I'm going to help you with Aaron.''

''What about the phyco, huh?? What if I do die.''

He looks at me with those golden eyes. Regret is filled with them. He looks away.

''I can't promise anything.'' His voice is shaky. He really does care.

I want to run, run away far from the beach. Home, a hole, anywhere. Into my own little world, or domewhere peaceful.

When is this dream going to end.

''What should I do.'' my voice cracks on the word should.

He looks at me and gives me a huge hug. He caught me off guard but i hug him back. This is what I needed, a hug from someone. The anxiety calms down a moment and I stop shaking. I feel his warmth and I touch his wings for the first time. Its so soft with jet black fearthers.

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