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The four stood outside with the ambulance car parked by the police station. Waiting for Deena and Sam.

"We should not be this close to the police station if we're in a stolen ambulance." Simon said. "Well that's the whole point. We're hiding in plain sight." Kate said to the boy. "Yeah, just like Bundy." Josh added. "That felt like an insult. Don't compare us to Ted Bundy." Sydney said with a grossed out facial expression. The two older teens furrowed their eyebrows at the younger teens in front of them. "Ted Bundy, when he was stalking his victims, I mean." Josh elaborated. "Okay, didn't he get caught though?" Kate asked. "Well, no. Well, yeah, but that's not-" Josh stammered, but was cut off my Simon. "Figure this out. I'm gonna take a leak." Simone said.

"What Josh means is at the time he wasn't caught at all, Bundy killed so many women. But eventually he got caught. So like-Josh means like...w-we're blending in...get it?" Sydney stammered. Kate was silent for a second before speaking up. "Why do you two know so much about killers?" She asked. "Know thy enemy, right?" Josh spoke. "And plus its interesting and you can prepare yourself for any sick, disgusting person. We live in Shadyside, a killer town. We have to know their ways...I guess." Sydney shrugged. Kate stayed quiet, nodding. They had valid answers.

"You hang onto any of that candy?" Kate asked Josh. "Yeah." Josh said, handing her some candy. They smiled at each other for a second longer making Sydney smiled as she got into the ambulance and started looking around.

Soon Deena and Sam returned. "We need to leave." Deena said. "I think we should stay. We're safe here. What if that psycho shows up again?" Sam asked. "Then he'd slice through all the cops like the people at the hospital." Sydney said. "No. Then we'll be ready." Deena said while pulling out a gun. "What the hell!"

"Deena, what is that?" Josh said. "A gun, dingus." Sydney said as she back away, Josh's glare not going unnoticed. "Is that the cop's? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam asked. "Fuck yeah she did!" Kate said proudly. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Sam asked. "No, she's not, actually. What protection do we have?" Sydney snapped at the girl. "They didn't believe us. We're on our own." Deena said, looking around. "Where the hell is Simon?" Deena asked. "He said he was going to go take a leak." Sydney spoke as she hopped out of the ambulance, worriedly. "And how long ago was that?" Deena asked and Sydney looked around.

"Uh...about five minutes ago- oh shit. We have to find Simon." Sydney panicked the teens all rushed behind Sydney as she told them which direction she saw him turn.

As they turned the corner they saw a girl on top on Simon, holding something silver in her hand, Sydney could barely make out what it was, but it was lifted up high, about to strike at the boy with it. But Deena shot the gun twice at the girl, making her fall over. "Simon, come on!" Kate yelled as the girl was now on the ground.

They started to run back towards the truck, Simon letting out a yell after he started running with them.

They were now back at Deena and Josh's house panicking over event that just happened. "It doesn't make sense. It's...it's not possible. Bullets didn't stop her." Sam explained as she sat down on the couch. "Amazing observation." Kate said sarcastically. "Who the hell was that?" Deena asked, turning over to look at Simon. "How the hell should I know? She...I don't- she was not! I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!" Simon said, stressed and freaked out. "Yeah, well. I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Deena said. "Well she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!" Simon stated, gaining Josh and Sydney's full attention.

"Wait. What...a razor?" Josh asked. "Yeah, for like old-timey shaving, or in this case, I guess, slitting her-" Simon was cut off by Josh and Sydney. "Wrists." They said in unison. "She slashed her wrists." Sydney said. They teens all looked around at each other.

"Was she singing something? W-was she singing a song, like an oldie...like an oldie song?" Josh asked. "Jesus, Rain Man. How the fuck do you know that?" Simon asked. Josh stood up, along with Sydney.

"Basement, now." Josh said as he started walking to the basement and they all looked at him. Sydney clapped her hands together. "You heard the man! Basement now! For once you have to actually listen." Sydney said and she pushed the teens down to the basement.

edited: yes

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