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After Josh explained everything about the people over the years and how they randomly went on killing spree's, Sam stormed out. Their eyes lingered on the girl in confusion, Deena soon walked out a couple of seconds after the girl.

"None on this is random." Said Josh as he slammed a piece on paper onto the table. "It's Sarah Fier. She's turning Shadysiders into killers." Josh said and Kate looked up at the boy. "Do you really believe that? I mean, no one actually thinks that this witch shit is real." Kate said. "Yeah, it's something babysitters make up to scare kids." Simon agreed with Kate. "No, no. Just listen to me." Josh said as he rested his hand on Simon's shoulder.

"1666. Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, fact. But ever since she was executed, she's been possessing people, turning them into killers to take revenge on the town. It's like a nursery rhyme." Josh explained.  "Yeah, Before the witch's final breath she found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land. She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves." Simon said. "Yes, exactly. Go to see was happening? This is all proof. Shadyside isn't just some hotbed for psychos. All of these massacres are connected to Sarah Fier. The witch's curse is real!" Josh stated.

"Fine. Let's assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed-up vendetta. Is it the same as the mall massacre. Something different is happening to us. Something way worse. Okay, we have two of her killers after us and both of them are dead. Why is she so mad at us?" Kate asked. Sydney sat next to Simon, watching as he panicked silently. She grew worried knowing that she was also not going to be able to keep up the "I'm fine" act because she was just as terrified.

"I saw her." Sam's voice filled the room, making everyone look at her, to see Deena also on the left side of her. "Last night, I don't...I don't know, you know. I thought I hit my head...it was...it was her. I saw the witch." Sam said.

They were parked outside of the woods inside the ambulance. Josh handed the girls and Simon head lights.

"I can't believe you're wearing that." Deena said to Kate."I can't believe you're above wearing it, when we're in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us." Kate said as she followed Josh. "She's right, you're the weirdo, and psycho." Sydney said as she followed after Kate. Shrugging at Deena. Deena glared at the girl, but all Sydney did was send her a teasing smile.

They arrived to the scene to see the car, red stuff scattered everywhere, and a skull on the ground. Sam then began to explain what happened.

"Okay, so I fell out of the car...here." Sam said while getting back into the position she was in when this all first happened. Everyone watched, letting the girl speak.

"I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding. And then.." the girl placed her hand down where it once was, speaking up. "I feel something." Sam said as she pulled chain up from the red fuzzy matter. They all gathered around. "Chains?" Sydney asked confused to what was going on now.

Sam pulled on them more, Simon then spoke up. "Not just chains." He said with a shaky voice. He flashed his flashlight on a real skull, that looked like it was slowly decaying. "Oh my gosh..." Josh said.

"No way." Kate said in disbelief. Josh then picked something up, reading the name out loud. "Fier. It's her. It's her grave." Josh stated. Sydney wrapped her arms around herself, feeling chills go down her body. "Oh, no, no, no. This is bad! This is really bad!" Simon began to panic. "No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave." Kate said while looking over to Sam. "Now she's sending her henchmen after us." Josh said. "Henchmen? As in every one of those sickos on your wall is coming after us?" Kate asked. "That's exactly what that mea-" Sydney was cut off by a sound of a branch snapping.

Their head all snapped to where the sound was heard. They looked around, now worried. "Did you hear that?" Sydney asked everyone. It went quiet. "Hold up. Hold up. She's mad because we disturb her grave, right?" Simon began to whisper. "Yeah. So?" Deena asked. "So, let's un-disturb it! Just put the bones back, rebury then, and put her to rest!" Simon suggested. "No, that's so stupid!" Deena whispered-yelled back to the boy. "That's genius!" Josh said. "Yeah! In-in Poltergeist!" Simon said, then the same branch snapping sound happened again.

Simon quickly grabbed the closet person to hold, who happened to be Sydney. She squeezed his hand lightly as Kate turned back around. "Whatever. Let's do it quickly so we can go." Kate and Sydney nodded. The teens all stood up. And started doing what they had to do.

Sydney looked at her best friend as he walked away from them. Simon stood there, still holding the girls hand, and if Sydney was being honest, she didn't want to let his hand go.

"Josh! What the hell are you doing!?" Sydney whispered yelled over to the boy, but he ignored her, walking into the woods a little more.

Simon then got onto his knees, letting go of Sydney's hand and began to help them dig in the grave. "Deena, or Sydney! Find something to wrap her bones!" Simon called out. Deena and Sydney rushed over to the car, quickly looking through it. Deena found the letterman jacket and they exited the car.

Deena saw as Sam was panicking so she quickly handed the jacket to Sydney and Sydney walked over to the new hole and placed the jacket into the hole. They threw the bones into the jacket and quickly wrapped it up. They covered it all up with the red fuzz.

"We need to hurry!" Josh yelled to them. "There, there. We're sorry." Simon whispered to the red fuzz that now covered Sarah's bones. "Did it work?" Kate asked and Sydney shrugged. They all looked at each other, Kate spoke up, yelling to Josh. "Did it work!?"

It was quiet, no one responded. Abrupt reflexes scared the teens as Josh then dodged out of the way. The teens then saw a tall figure, with an ax, a sacked bag on its head, and a black and red flanneled jacket.

They screamed as they started to run, Simon, Kate, Josh, and Sydney ran as Deena grabbed Sam, the ax man missed his strike, shattering the car's window instead.

The teens all ran into the ambulance truck, Kate quickly started the truck and drove off, all the other teens watched from out of the back window, seeing as the ax man watch them drive off.

"What the actual hell! T-that—that's Tommy Slater, The Nightwing Killer!" Sydney said in disbelief to Josh. She had only done research on the two killers who interested her so far. The Nightwing Killer and The Humpty Dumpty Killer. And one of them happened to be chasing them that night. She was frightened but confused to how this was all happening.

edited: yes

The way she still has the same outfit bc it's still the SAME NIGHT😭

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