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As they drove away panicking they were yelling at each other, terrified of what was now happening. Sam had told them that no one was after them, Sarah was only after her, she explained how she saw Sarah again and Sarah told her "it's you." So with that's information, they all decided to make a plan, using Sam as their bait.

The teens stood in the hall waiting for Simon to bring the lost and found clothes so that they could change into fresh new clothes. It was so that they could be safe, making sure that had none of Sam's blood on them.

They grabbed their clothes and started splitting up to change, Sydney being too insecure and awkward headed to the English classroom just so that she could be by herself.

As she walked in she shivered, just remembering seeing Nightwing. It was crazy to see a murderer that she had read about on multiple articles running after her and her friends in person, trying to kill Sam.

Sydney hummed as she changed her clothes into a long sleeve stripped shirt and black leggings that fit surprisingly well. The shirt was big and smelt like cologne, she was one hundred percent sure that the shirt she was wearing belonged to a boy.

The smell reminded her of the cologne Jacob, her ex had wore. She fake gaged, thinking about the boy. She felt like the worst and she felt stupid for even dating him. She sighed as she grabbed her clothes, not wanting leave her favorite new outfit at the school, and plus she hadn't even been near Sam that much to have even a speck of her blood on her, but she was only changing just to be sure.

She peaked out of the classroom, seeing no one in the hall, it was empty and dimly lit, more darkness than brightness. So she walked back into the classroom. She didn't want be in the hall by herself, she was more scared than she wanted to admit.

So she turned back around to her teacher's desk. "Let's see what Ms. Harrington is hiding." She said quietly to herself. She would never do anything like this, but if tonight went wrong, she could have at least did something she would never do. So she started going through her teachers desk. She froze in fear as the stapler fell off the desk. Letting out a sigh in relief, she shook her head. "Stupid...fucking stapler." She whispered as she placed her hand over her heart. "Holy shit." Sydney said as she pulled out a stack of graded papers.

"Lisa Madin...let's see what you got..." Sydney whispered as she went through the papers, Lisa always made rude comments to Sydney, and she made snarky comment to Josh, so if she wanted to see anyones grade, it was going to be Lisa's.

Sydney's face brighten up once she saw the girl's name written soppily on the paper. Sydney laughed quietly at the girls bad hand writing. "Shit..a D minus. Pay attention in class." Sydney read. The brown girl jumped as she door burst opened quickly. "Syd, what the hell are you doing-we thought you got caught or something." She turned to see Simon. "I-you guys weren't out of the hall when I went, and I didn't want to be alone this shit is freaking me out." Sydney said. Simon nodded and held his hand out, the girl could feel her heart soften and her stomach flutter at the boy's simple gesture and him calling her by her nickname. Only Josh, Deena, and her mom called her Syd. Now Simon was calling her Syd.

She walked over to the boy, and took his hand. He interlock their fingers as he smiled at her. "You're going to be alright. Now come on, witch nerd number two." He said and she rolled her eyes playfully and they walked back into the hall.

"Are you two a thing too?" Deena asked with wide eyes. "What- no! I-I was comforting her, she's scared!" Simon said as he pulled his hand away quickly. Sydney ignored the hurt feeling that was slowly crawling up. She walked over to Josh and he rubbed her back, a way in telling her that it was okay.

"Let's just start the plan." Sam said and they nodded.

The teens set up their plan, working as quickly as they could. Sydney was silently panicking, knowing that they were definitely on there way because Sam's blood was now everywhere, down the halls, in the bathroom.

Sydney stood next to Kate as Simon came running down the hall, panicking. "Dude! She's here! I saw her! She was...she was so sexy, but fucking crazy still!" He panicked, they all looked at the boy, fear rushing through them.

"She was doing it! Following the blood trails!" He continued. "It's working. Skull Mask freak, three o'clock." Kate said and they all turned to see him following the trail.

They turned their heads to the sound of Ruby singing as she walked down the hall. "This is dumb. If this doesn't work, I will murder you." Kate said to Deena. A booming noise came from the middle of the hall, Sydney's heart dropped as she saw Nightwing coming down the hall, he started to speed up, the next thing you know he was running.

"They're all here." Deena said in fear. Sydney eyes started watering as she wrapped her hands around herself tightly.

You're okay. You're okay. You're okay.

She told herself, over and over, ignoring what her friends were saying. The killers all walked past the teens, going into the bathroom. Sydney let out a big sigh along with Kate.

Sam then burst from the vent, scaring Sydney, but she quickly was relieved to see the girl. "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" Sam yelled quickly. Kate tied the string through the door handle, making sure it was closed and locked. Deena then placed more bleach down then placed down the lighter. The fire grew big within seconds, traveling under the door.

They all grabbed each other's hands tightly. Hearing as the murders screamed inside. Josh and Simon stood with the extinguisher in their hands. They all jumped at the sudden sound of a 'boom' noise, sounding like a little bomb was set off. They all peaked from behind the wall before stepping up and walking towards the bathroom.

Kate and Sydney untied the rope and Josh opened the door. Sydney grabbed the other extinguisher as Josh and Simon walked in, putting out the flames that left. She held the fire extinguisher to her side, just in case.

"Come back from that, motherfuckers!" Simon said. They looked around in shock as they looked at the bathroom, it was smoky and dark, lights flickering.

"Guys.." Josh said and Sydney turned around to see this gloop form into a hand. She pulled Josh back just as it launched out for him. They all ran out of the bathroom terrified.

edited: yes

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