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The teens panicked in the classroom, locking and  barricading the door. Just when they thought every was over, it had just gotten started.

"They're coming!" Deena yelled. "They're gonna keep coming!" Kate yelled back at her best friend. "We're fucked!" Simon yelled. "No, no! We are not fucked! She's fucked. They're coming for her." Kate said while looking over at Sam. "If we put Sam in the hall, we end this now." Kate said. "You're a monster." Deena said. "I'm being reasonable!" Kate said. "She's being honest, but that's still fucked up." Sydney said. "We can't run anymore! A bullet won't stop them, fine! They're really strong. But we just tried to goddamn explode them, and that didn't work!" Kate told Deena. "You're suggesting killing her." Deena snapped at Kate. "I mean, that's not exactly what she's saying." Josh said to his sister. "Oh, you're no her side?" Deena asked her brother. "You'd let us all die to protect her. Look at this." Kate said as she grabbed Josh's backpack.

She pulled out each article about the killers, stating that the people who dealt with these killers were all dead. "This is the way. This is the only way." Kate said. "She's right, I mean, unless we can find another way. And no, Deena, I'm not taking anyone's side. It's just- I know you love her...b-but what has she done in these past few months? Move away, start a new life, completely forgot about us-well you..." Sydney said as tears brimmed her eyes. "Shut the hell up, Sydney!" Deena snapped at Sydney. "It's the truth, Deena. Get over it. You can't put our life in danger because you want to save Sam's! I have a life, and...and a family and I want to make it to tomorrow. Sam hasn't done shit for me! So why exactly do I need to be saving her?" Sydney yelled back as tears fell down her face.

"Oh, fuck you, Sydney!" Deena said. "Deena!" Josh yelled, glaring at his sister. "No, you know what? Fuck you." Sydney said and walked to the back of the classroom, wiping her tears. She couldn't die yet. She couldn't even drive yet, she never experienced life, she barely experienced high school—she hadn't even said goodbye to her mom. There was so much that was running through her head, all she knew is that she couldn't go out like this. She didn't mean to be rude to Sam or Deena but she was stressed and she didn't like the fact that Deena was trying to risk everyone's life.

"You shouldn't have even came. So stop acting like I caused this, you decided to come along!" Deena yelled to the girl. "You're right, and once this is over...trust me. I'm never tagging along anymore. You don't have to worry about me. So in advance, have fun putting other people's life in danger. This is bullshit." Sydney said through her tears.

It got quiet, they were trying to process all the words both girl's had said. The silence had came to an end when Kate spoke up.

"Sam's gotta go." Kate stated. "Are you kidding me?" Deena asked, now being upset with everyone in the room. "Sydney and Kate's right." Sam said with tears now brimming her eyes. "I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going." Sam said. Sydney head dropped into her hands, she felt guilty. She didn't want anyone to die, she was just fed up with Deena. 

"I'm ending this." Sam said. "No, you're not. Are you crazy?" Deena said while walking up to Sam.

Josh then went over to his best friend, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "I feel like a bitch...I should have never said that about Sam or Deena, I'm just upset and scared." Sydney whispered as she looked down at her hands, completely ignoring the other conversation that was going on across the room.

"No, I get it, Syd. You were just...just speaking your mind." Josh said and the girl smiled over to him.

Deena grabbed Josh and Sydney's attention as she started screaming, they watched as Simon held Deena back and Kate locked the door, Sam was nowhere to be seen, she went out of the classroom.

Sydney's heart started pounding, all she could think about is how Sam was not in the room and it was her fault for saying that she should sacrifice herself. And now that was what she was doing.

Josh then walked over the papers, along with Sydney. They looked over the paper, mentally panicking. Kate squatted down by them. "This is not your fault." Kate said while looking at Josh, then at Sydney.

Josh then looked at a paper, picking it up. Sydney could tell that it was something seriously important. She read the paper seeing one word that made her heart flicker with hope.


"Holy shit..." Sydney said under her breath. "We have to get her! We can save her!" Josh called out. Kate and the others rushed to the door watching as Kate unlocked the door, she grabbed Sam right before she could get stabbed and pulled her in the classroom, and locking it back.

"What...what's going on?" Sam asked confused to why they saved her. "You're not doing this alone." Kate said. "There's another way." Josh said, holding up the paper. "C. Berman. She's the key." Josh stated. Simon blocked the door off as Sam and Josh read the paper. Deena, Kate, and Sydney all looked through the phone book.

"I got it! C. Berman! 9006 Brennan Way. This has gotta be her!" Kate said and Deena ran over to the phone. Kate called out the number as Deena put the number in.

"I need some help here!" Simon yelled. Sydney looked over at the boy, quickly rushing over to him as she helped hold the door. "No ones there!" She heard Deena call out.

The ax then broke through the door. "Fuck!" Sydney yelled as she stood away, feeling the blade slightly cut her shoulder. "This shit is not gonna hold!" Simon yelled over to her, not noticing that she got hit. "Of course it's not- it's an ax versus a wooden door!" She yelled.

The ax broke through a couple more time before the man reached through the door, grabbing Simon's hair, the boy begin to yell for help.

Sydney tried pulling him away but it wasn't working. Josh then rushed over to them stabbing a geometric drawing compass into his hand, Nightwing pulled away from the boys hair, Simon fell into Sydney's arms. "Holy shit.." Sydney said, her heart rate raising. Josh and Kate helped block the door with the tools.

This is getting crazier by the night...

Sydney thought to herself.

edited: yes

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